Sunday, December 11, 2022

Cake done

Early yesterday afternoon I went to our local bulk food store and picked up all of the ingredients for the fruit cake recipe a fellow blogger posted.   I must admit it was the easiest fruit cake I have very made and will make it again.  I did not have any Sherry the recipe called for so Brandy went in instead,   Over the next few days the cake will received a drink of brandy once in awhile.   Had to sample it, and it passed muster by me, Hubby not quite so sure, I don't think a fruit cake was ever included in their  Christmas food, as his late wife's family was Polish and each country has their own foods to enjoy at different holidays.  I am was born in England, so fruit cake was always present during the holidays.    

Everything was white with snow this morning when we got up.  Only an inch of wet snow, and it clung to all of the branches, a Winter wonderland, it will not last long, thank goodness, as temp is predicted to go above the zero degree mark.

My son, D-I-L, grandson, his wife and their daughter will be visiting me on Boxing Day.   I am going to ask the rest of my family  if they might be able to drop in for a visit on that day also, if not, that's OK.  Just as long as those that can, come over during the holidays is fine.  

Don't think my poinsettia will be ready to show it's colours before Christmas, may have to go an buy one.   I don't think we have had enough sunshine during the day to promote the colour.  I tried, and will try again if it doesn't work.

Roast beef for dinner tonight, not sure what will be for dessert.

Have a great day.



  1. I am glad you liked the recipe. I have used sherry but won't use it again. I prefer a more robust flavour. I have some spiced rum for the next one and will use whisky if I have nothing else.

    1. I did find mine a little dry.......I am wetting it...............more rum. LOL

    2. I used a lot more than the recipe called for.

  2. Keep planning to try the recipe but haven't found the time so far. So it will have to be next week or next year!

    1. Take Sparklingmerlot's advice to add more liquid. Going to have a slice of mine this p.m. with a cup of tea, while reading a book.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...