Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Above zero

 For the first time is what feels like weeks we have a temp above the zero degree mark and some sunshine.  Not suppose to last and rain is forecast for the next few days.

Grand daughter is back to normal and now in possession of an epi pen.

The smell coming from my kitchen is from  turkey bones simmering away, which will end up as a pot of soup later today.

Going to visit five of my great grands today and give them their Christmas gifts.

We have been invited out for dinner tomorrow night with DD2 and her family, going to celebrate New Years early as DD2 has to work and grand daughters are heading back to university.  It is a sushi restaurant, I love sushi, hubby? I don't think so, so not sure if he will be coming or not.

No plans for us for New Years Eve, quiet evening at home is in order, I may have a little tipple or two.

Not much else happening today.

Have a great evening/day.


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