Saturday, March 19, 2022

Wet and commercials.

The rain which was forecast is now falling and will for most of the day.  It will certainly get rid of any snow laying around.  All the snow we had on the property is now gone. hoping no more will come and replace it.    

Laundry currently swishing around in the machine along with a load in the dryer.  It is almost lunch time, so after we have eaten the vacuum will come out and some housework will be done.

We have cable TV and we are OK with the programs we can get, if we want anything else we rent a movie, no Netflex or other channel like that.   So we sit and wait for the commercial breaks to go through their spiel, one after another, after another.   Last night, we counted 16  (SIXTEEN) different commercials for either a product or a program to watch on TV in between portions of the program we were watching.  We mute it all, which helps, however, we are now in the habit of recording a lot of things, so that we can fast forward through all of that nonsense.  

Very little happening here today, other than the normal routine we seem to be stuck in at the present time.  Both of us want to get out and take care of some garden chores, the light evenings are welcome but, it is just much too early to be thinking of doing anything worthwhile  outside at that time of the day.  Now everything is so wet we will need it to dry before work can commence.

Took some chili out of the  freezer for dinner tonight.  Along with some toast and a salad we have dinner.  Also  took out some turkey for our Christmas dinner which will be a pot pie for our dinner tomorrow.

Have a great day, keep dry, cool or warm wherever you are 


  1. Sometimes normal routine is a pleasant, grounding feeling.
    We have netflix thanks to our eldest and we tend to watch that more than free to air TV. We do record our favourite shows and fast forward through the interminable ads. It's amazing how short a one hour show becomes when you do that!

  2. Ditto with the commercial breaks. I usually try to find something on PBS or TVO. Also borrow DVDs from the library. Our library also has hoopla which allows you to watch a movie or TV show eight times a month. Good idea to raid the freezer for dinner - might just do that tonight!

  3. Good to hear the snow is clearing. I was so afraid seeing so much snow in your garden. Remember I have not even seen snow falling so all that snow gives me the chills!! We have netflix so no commercials inbetween. Commercials are great for toilet breaks, taking in the laundry, feeding the dogs and running to cook Dinner!! Hope the "wet" clears and you get to go out in the garden

  4. The number of commercials on tv programs, are ridiculous!!!!

    I have been getting movies out of the library system, and we watch them.

    We have not been in a theater in years, so there are a lot of movies to choose from. LOL Plus old ones. And many of those, "we never saw when they came out."



The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...