Friday, March 11, 2022

Should change it back

Should put the snow header back up as we had snow overnight, not much mind you, but even this is too much for me at this time of the year.  Time for a nice warm rain to wash all of the dirt away and then sunshine to warm the earth, so things can start growing.

Friends are posting on FB, their maple trees are filling the buckets with a lot of sap right now.  That is a good sign Spring is on its way.  Show me some more signs Mother nature.

Got all of the upstairs housework done yesterday, and change all the pillows and display things I have for Winter, ie: snowman planter containers, snow themed  dishes holding candy, etc.  I am undecided whether to keep the poinsettia, it is looking a bit sad at present, or if I should just add it to the compost container.  Maybe I should move it to the downstairs bedroom, so it can get more sunshine.   Now have an Easter basket full of ceramic eggs and bunnies on the dining room table and coffee table.

My DIL is still in hospital and feeling a bit better, the Drs. have not indicated when surgery will take place.

Friday, again so fish for dinner, caesar salad, another veg, not sure what yet.  Dessert is a mystery right now should put my thinking cap on.

Dut, right now that vacuum and duster are calling me, trying not to hear them though.

Have a great day.     


  1. It's a good day for Spring cleaning - that's what I am doing as the snow continues to fall.

  2. Can one eat maple syrup straight from the tree? Are the trees tapped or do they just ooze the sap?

    1. Sugar Maples are tapped with a spigot hammered into the trunk, the sap then drips into the channel on the spigot and drips into a pail hung under the spigot. The sap is just like water when it comes from the tree and needs a lot of boiling to eventually becoming a syrup. If it boiled down even more it can become sugar.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...