Friday, March 18, 2022

Ouch, Ouch

We had temps up to 22*C yesterday, a glorious day, so could not stay inside, the housework will still be there when it rains tomorrow.

So..why am I  in pain, I worked in the back flower bed picking up some of the dead leaves from our neighbours property.  This lady never picks her leaves up in the Autumn, so during the Winter her garden is clean of leaves but ours......not so much.  This year I have made a promise to pace myself in doing the garden work, I cannot do the hours and hours digging and weeding etc. as I have been doing.  Little steps every day when the weather cooperates is what I am doing this year.  The daffodil leaves are liking the warm sunshine the rain forecast for tomorrow will help them along also.  Snowdrops are in full bloom and are a pleasant sight out the kitchen window.

Also went for a half hour walk yesterday afternoon, no coat, scarf, gloves or boots, just a T-shirt and slacks, so nice to feel free of being bundled up to ward off the bitter cold.  Birds were singing and also saw some yellow flowers in one garden I passed, not sure the name of them, they were so nice a bright in the sunshine.

The friend on FB who has been reporting on the maple sap indicated they are having a bumper crop this year.   Wonder if all the syrup makers are having the same results.

We are going to have our BBQ steaks tonight as this is going to be the nicest day close to Spring starting.   Rain and cooler temps are not the ideal weather when you want to do a BBQ.  We are also going to have a baked potato, sour cream, caesar salad and lemon pie for dessert.



  1. The same here - no hat or gloves yesterday or today!

  2. Wow, our weather is spring-like but still need some cover. It will be super, when we can do as you are now doing... Just go out and walk... No cover. lol



The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...