Sunday, March 27, 2022

Out like a Lion

You have heard the saying about March.  "In like a lamb, out like a lion".  We have that lion rearing its head here today.   Snow, the forecast is indicating, it could be 10 to 20 cm. of the white stuff before it's all finished.   It is cold and windy, which makes this weather feel even more colder than it is. April 1st. later this week and hopefully, the weather will change for the new month.

Hubby was going to go to his daughter's house to do a little work there before lunch.  He went out and next thing I know he is back in again.  The work is going to wait until the weather clears up a bit, so he will go tomorrow all being well.

Hubby's grandson is feeling better, and we are also OK, no symptoms of Covid yet, and this is the sixth day, keeping our fingers crossed we feel OK  for the next few days.

A quiet day here today, nothing being done outside and really nothing needs to be done inside except make dinner later today.  A roast beef is going into the oven later, and we will have potato, broccoli, clean up a bit of rutabaga in the fridge along with some gravy.  There is also some salad which needs to be cleaned up. So dinner all planned.   When we shopped last, I bought a container of rice pudding, which is quite nice, so that is also desert taken care of.

May just slip into the sewing studio for an hour or so this afternoon. 


  1. Our weather is going down hill these coming days too. -sigh- The wind is 'bad enough,' but cooler temps and possible mixed precipitation, are forecast.... Ughhhhhh...

    But not a thing any of us can do about it. -smile-


  2. I think the weather will continue up and down even once we get into April. That will be our April Fool's joke!

  3. We had some brief whiteouts here west of Ottawa, but it didn't amount to anything.

  4. A chilly autumn day here. A bit of rain and all rather glum. No kitchen for a few weeks so I shall drool over your dinners!

  5. OH what bad luck. You were just saying and showing pictures of the disappearing snow and better weather to come. Looks like Mother Nature tricked you, hahaha! I think Mother Nature is teaching us a good lesson, we here are suppose to get sunny weather but the rains are continuing daily. Poor husband sure made a fast turn around. Over here if my husband made a turn around, it will be cos he forgot his handphone or his wallet, not becos of SNOW!!


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...