Thursday, March 10, 2022


 These are blooming in my garden today, however, this picture was taken last year.    I did plant additional bulbs last year, so I have a lot more showing their little white flowers today.  

We have a grey squirrel making a nest in the tree in the front garden.   We had one do that several years ago and we watched her bring the babies down from the tree and relocate them to another tree.  Quite interesting to watch, maybe we will see the same thing again this year.

We have another sunny day, calm winds so it is quite nice outside.   Open windows in the bedroom and in the big bathroom, love the smell of the fresh air, not that my house is smelly, but the air just brings in some new air.  I don't know how some people can never open their windows, I know it lets in a bit of dust but, that can easily be cleaned up.   That reminds me a must get tucked into doing some housework today.  I did  not get to any yesterday, I needed some "me" time so worked in my sewing studio for a couple of hours.  Going to do the same this afternoon.

Just reading in the newspaper this morning about all of the rules and regulations we have had to abide by during Covid are all going to be lifted soon.  I am not a scientist nor a doctor, but after seeing the number of cases also in the paper, I wonder if this is a wise decision being made by the powers that be.  Election coming up soon, so I suppose that is the answer .

Have not heard how my DIL in doing today, no news is good news, so I will contact my son later today.

Dinner tonight, good question must go and look to see what I would like for dinner and start prep work.

Have a great day.



  1. I love your snowdrops. We don't get squirrels here. Probably just as well. They would compete with the bloody possums. We also have elections coming up and ta-daa everyone is freeeeeee!!

  2. My daughter and son in law have lived in their condo for 20 yrs. Before last summer, when they finally got new doors on the balcony, they had never opened a window! This year the balconies are all being torn off so I don't expect the doors will be open again.

  3. Have to admit I rarely open a window between November and March! But I figure enough air gets in through the front door and the odd loosely fitting window frame.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...