Thursday, March 24, 2022

Guild meeting

Looking forward to our monthly guild meeting tonight, hope is will not be monthly now things are  being lifted.   I have a couple of projects for show and share and our challenge project is due tonight also.   It will be interesting what members have done.

My DIL is back in the hospital for the abscess she has on her appendix, apparently the Dr. ws surprised the tube which was draining it was taken out so early.   Again, it seems as if there is always a "bandaid" put on the health emergency, patients are sent some too early and end up coming back for exactly the same issue, which needs to be addressed again.  If DIL's surgery was done soon after the first abscess had cleared up she would not be back where she is now.

As there is not going to be any funeral of any kind for Hubby's brother,  Hubby and his two siblings bought some flower arrangements to give to the widow and brother's two children.   As they have been busy with one thing and another, we did not have the florist deliver them, so we did that last night.  

Not much done around here today, Hubby has been making phone calls to let other family members and friends know about his brother, so other than that it has been a quiet day.  He needs these days as he was hit hard with his loss.   Time will heal.

Dinert tonight, BBQ ribs, baked potato, rutabaga  and rice pudding for dessert.


  1. Hope DIL gets proper treatment this time - that's so annoying! Things seem to have changed since the last time I was hospitalized!

  2. I am glad hubby has things to do to help him deal with his grief.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...