Wednesday, March 23, 2022


Hubby received some sad news on Monday afternoon, one of his brothers had passed away.  He had prostate cancer.   One of his last comments to male members of the family.......get  prostate blood tests done on a regular basis.   So I am passing along the same comment. .....

If a blood test for prostate cancer is available in the place where you live, ask all male members of your family to get tested on a yearly basis.  

Hubby was tested several years ago, had radiation treatments and is now fine.   His family has a history of many male members who have had prostate cancer, so it was important for him to get tested.  His brother did not get tested early enough.

We have a cold wet windy day,  the kind of day when the cold damp creeps into your bones, so it is an inside day for me.

Hubby picked up his SUV today, after being repaired from the accident he was in some time ago.  Looking new again.

Have no idea what to have for dinner tonight, so should go and make a decision.

Have a great day.


  1. Sorry for your loss. We have several conditions in our family that need monitoring. Some family members don't go for testing.๐Ÿ™

    1. Thank you.
      Some people don't take their health seriously and end up being ill, which in some cases can be treated earlier and hopefully result in a better outcome.

  2. Condolences to your hubby. Hope his brother didn't suffer. A good reminder to all those with male relatives.

    1. Thank you. Unfortunately he did suffer for a number of years, however, advised few family members of his diagnosis, so it was a shock to many. He was a private person.

  3. A timely reminder. So many men bury their heads in the sand when it comes to their health. And sometimes I think the whole breast cancer awareness (whilst vitally important, don't get me wrong) overshadows other, equally nasty, cancers.

    1. You are so right, many men think they will never get ill.
      Prostate cancer runs in the family apparently, so many of the male members get tested, as he did but too late for anything to be done.

  4. Sorry for his loss.

    My husband goes to a Urologist regularly.

    What's for dinner? The worst thought in home making. I hate to plan and cook.<---I know, no woman of my age should say that. lol. But I do.

    Chicken Casserole today and it will make a 2nd meal too. Hoooray!

    ๐ŸŒธ ๐ŸŒท ๐ŸŒผ ๐ŸŒธ ๐ŸŒท

    1. Thank you. Glad to read your husband goes to his doctor on a regular basis.


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