Wednesday, March 30, 2022


As mentioned previously, Sunday and Monday were both terrible, with the cold, wind and snow.  Yesterday,  could not have been any more different if it tried.  Beautiful sunshine, still a bit cold, however, that sun had a lot of heat in it and a good portion of the snow melted.  Today, is different yet again, cloudy with freezing rain.  A thin layer of ice on everything, but that is not suppose to last, as tomorrow we will have rain.  

My youngest granddaughter is getting so excited to start her next year of studies to become an airline pilot.  Talking to her Mum last night, she said C is gathering everything she will need in her apartment, plus she received the clothes she is required to wear to class.  Black pants, white shirt and black tie.  A uniform to look smart, pilots always look smart in the uniform.  Second youngest granddaughter has just started a blog on the subject she is studying in university.  It's part of the grad work on plant biology.  So proud of both of these girls.  Proud of all my grands and their partners for everything they have done so far in their lives but, these two are really concentrating of furthering their educations.  It has not been easy for their parents, my daughter is a PSW and her husband is a supervisor in the lumbar yard, so don't make tons of money.  However, the girls have both received scholarships and have worked as well as going to school. I see gret things sfor both of them.

We were exposed to Covid eight days ago, so far fingers crossed  and we will continue to stay free of it.

Did some sewing yesterday, after some of my housework was done.  

Leftovers for dinner, easy peasy.

1 comment:

The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...