Thursday, March 31, 2022

They survived

 All the snow has gone, thanks to some rain overnight and warmer temps at present.  Looking at the snowdrops they survived the cold and snow, as did the leaves on the daffodils, so all is good in the garden.

Not much happening in my life at the present time.

Chat tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022


As mentioned previously, Sunday and Monday were both terrible, with the cold, wind and snow.  Yesterday,  could not have been any more different if it tried.  Beautiful sunshine, still a bit cold, however, that sun had a lot of heat in it and a good portion of the snow melted.  Today, is different yet again, cloudy with freezing rain.  A thin layer of ice on everything, but that is not suppose to last, as tomorrow we will have rain.  

My youngest granddaughter is getting so excited to start her next year of studies to become an airline pilot.  Talking to her Mum last night, she said C is gathering everything she will need in her apartment, plus she received the clothes she is required to wear to class.  Black pants, white shirt and black tie.  A uniform to look smart, pilots always look smart in the uniform.  Second youngest granddaughter has just started a blog on the subject she is studying in university.  It's part of the grad work on plant biology.  So proud of both of these girls.  Proud of all my grands and their partners for everything they have done so far in their lives but, these two are really concentrating of furthering their educations.  It has not been easy for their parents, my daughter is a PSW and her husband is a supervisor in the lumbar yard, so don't make tons of money.  However, the girls have both received scholarships and have worked as well as going to school. I see gret things sfor both of them.

We were exposed to Covid eight days ago, so far fingers crossed  and we will continue to stay free of it.

Did some sewing yesterday, after some of my housework was done.  

Leftovers for dinner, easy peasy.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Blizzard conditions

Sunday and Monday we were under the streamers of snow coming off Lake Huron,  there were high bitter cold winds that blew the snow into white out conditions, on the roads.  We went nowhere.

Our house is situated directly south of  an open field, so the winds and snow mentioned above blew onto our property, so much snow accumulated, Hubby had to get the snow blower out this morning to clear off the driveway.  Today is calm, cold with lovely blue skies.  Tomorrow and Thursday may be a bit different with freezing rain and rain, a roller coaster of weather for sure.   Hope April will bring more settled conditions and warmer temps.  It's time for Mother Nature to bring us some decent Spring time weather.  My poor snowdrops looked very droopy this morning, the little flowers are just peeking out from under the snow.  The daffodil leaf tips will likely be nipped by the cold freezing temps we have had at night time.

My DIL  is now out of hospital with a tube draining the remnants of an abscess which was on her appendix.  Not feeling 100% yet but, that is to be expected with what she has had to go through for the last couple of weeks.   Hopefully, she will be able to have the surgery to remove the appendix soon and put all of this behind her.

We have been very lazy these past couple of days, I have just done the basic housework and meal prep, Hubby has been getting all of the paperwork gathered up for our income tax, so it can be taken to the accountant.  

Groceries this morning, so that means chicken for dinner.

Lunch time now, so I am off to plug the kettle in for my tea.

Have a great day.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Out like a Lion

You have heard the saying about March.  "In like a lamb, out like a lion".  We have that lion rearing its head here today.   Snow, the forecast is indicating, it could be 10 to 20 cm. of the white stuff before it's all finished.   It is cold and windy, which makes this weather feel even more colder than it is. April 1st. later this week and hopefully, the weather will change for the new month.

Hubby was going to go to his daughter's house to do a little work there before lunch.  He went out and next thing I know he is back in again.  The work is going to wait until the weather clears up a bit, so he will go tomorrow all being well.

Hubby's grandson is feeling better, and we are also OK, no symptoms of Covid yet, and this is the sixth day, keeping our fingers crossed we feel OK  for the next few days.

A quiet day here today, nothing being done outside and really nothing needs to be done inside except make dinner later today.  A roast beef is going into the oven later, and we will have potato, broccoli, clean up a bit of rutabaga in the fridge along with some gravy.  There is also some salad which needs to be cleaned up. So dinner all planned.   When we shopped last, I bought a container of rice pudding, which is quite nice, so that is also desert taken care of.

May just slip into the sewing studio for an hour or so this afternoon. 

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Didn't get back yesterday

 What with one thing and another I did not get to post a photo of my challenge project.   Here it is today.

The glitter from the Christmas card did not show up on the photo, however this will give you an idea of what I did.  A local village is having a quilt show later this year, all of our group's challenge projects will be on display there.

March winds doth blow and we HAVE snow.  Not much mind you, but it came down quite hard a short while ago.  The ground is warmer than it usually is in the Winter, so it is not laying yet.   The forecast for the balance of the week indicates this weather every day.  March going out like a Lion.

Laundry being done at the present time, and some housework will be done shortly.  We were watching a reality TV program a couple of nights ago, the main character's son  was getting married, the wedding was in a Junk Yard.   !!!!!   So the washroom (toilet) was to be cleaned for the women guests to use, Port a Potties were going to be for the men guests.  Oh My Goodness!! I cannot describe the state of that toilet, disgusting doesn't even touch it.  Anyway, the reason I am writing this is...That night I had a dream, should call it a nightmare I suppose, about our bathrooms, Hubby had left all of his dirty underwear on the floor, (no he doesn't do that).  It was real to me, on getting up the following day the first thing I did was thoroughly clean all three bathrooms in this house.

Hubby's grandson now has Covid, and he was here early last week, so we are monitoring ourselves for any symptoms.   Grandson has had only two jabs, not the booster, he was feeling quite rough for a couple of days, however, when Hubby talked to him yesterday he was feeling a little better.  Keeping our fingers crossed, not we can do anything, only hope we are fully immunised enough.

Again the dinner question,  don't know yet.

Have a great Saturday no matter what you are doing.


Friday, March 25, 2022

Great Meeting

Our quilting guild members had a great meeting last night.  One of the members lives in the same city as I do, so we have arranged to drive to the meeting together,  good idea now the price of fuel is going up in price.  

The challenge we were given back in November was due last night.  Last year we were given some black fabric and an artist canvas, we were to use both of those items, plus make a design using geometric shapes of our choice.  The colours had to be opposite on the colour wheel, and we could add anything else to enhance our project.  Many did designs using circles or triangles, I chose to use circles, however, my design was the Solar System.  Red/orange and blue/green were the colours I used, along with machine embroidery, fused fabric, beads and the sparkly stuff which is found on Christmas cards.   I will take a photo of my project and post later today in an update here. 

We also had a guest, she opened a new fabric shop in the city where the meeting was and gave us information regarding her new venture.  We were all invited to visit her to see how she has set up her wares.    Show and share then followed, we certainly have a group of talented sewers.  

Half of our members still wore their masks, like myself we are still not quite ready to take them off in public, even though we were very well spaced in the room we are able to rent in a church.  Hopefully, when we have our next meeting in April, things are even better with regards to the virus and we will all feel comfortable ditching those masks.

We are a cold cloudy and wet day, the same is forecast for tomorrow and possible snow on Sunday.  Keep telling myself it is still March, but I do so want the weather to warm up and stay warm.  

It's a toss up between Chinese and fish for dinner tonight, will soon have to make up my mind and get things out of the freezer.

Have a great day.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Guild meeting

Looking forward to our monthly guild meeting tonight, hope is will not be monthly now things are  being lifted.   I have a couple of projects for show and share and our challenge project is due tonight also.   It will be interesting what members have done.

My DIL is back in the hospital for the abscess she has on her appendix, apparently the Dr. ws surprised the tube which was draining it was taken out so early.   Again, it seems as if there is always a "bandaid" put on the health emergency, patients are sent some too early and end up coming back for exactly the same issue, which needs to be addressed again.  If DIL's surgery was done soon after the first abscess had cleared up she would not be back where she is now.

As there is not going to be any funeral of any kind for Hubby's brother,  Hubby and his two siblings bought some flower arrangements to give to the widow and brother's two children.   As they have been busy with one thing and another, we did not have the florist deliver them, so we did that last night.  

Not much done around here today, Hubby has been making phone calls to let other family members and friends know about his brother, so other than that it has been a quiet day.  He needs these days as he was hit hard with his loss.   Time will heal.

Dinert tonight, BBQ ribs, baked potato, rutabaga  and rice pudding for dessert.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022


Hubby received some sad news on Monday afternoon, one of his brothers had passed away.  He had prostate cancer.   One of his last comments to male members of the family.......get  prostate blood tests done on a regular basis.   So I am passing along the same comment. .....

If a blood test for prostate cancer is available in the place where you live, ask all male members of your family to get tested on a yearly basis.  

Hubby was tested several years ago, had radiation treatments and is now fine.   His family has a history of many male members who have had prostate cancer, so it was important for him to get tested.  His brother did not get tested early enough.

We have a cold wet windy day,  the kind of day when the cold damp creeps into your bones, so it is an inside day for me.

Hubby picked up his SUV today, after being repaired from the accident he was in some time ago.  Looking new again.

Have no idea what to have for dinner tonight, so should go and make a decision.

Have a great day.

Monday, March 21, 2022

A bit late

Here it is 8:00 p.m. and just getting on the laptop, so a short post today.

It has been an OK day, sunny but cool, nice out of the wind.  I did some gardening, well more like cleaning out the flower bed of leaves that have blown in over the winter.  


Sunday, March 20, 2022

Quiet Day

 Today is a quiet day both inside the house and out.   Hubby is helping his daughter for a couple of hours, and me just puttering in the kitchen.  Outside, the rain has stopped, however, it is windy and cooler than it was a couple of days ago.

Had a nice long chat on the phone with my DD2 yesterday, she is a PSW in a hospital here in the city where I live.  She injured her shoulder at work last week so going through the X-rays and ultrasound procedures.  She is still working so will be OK.   

My youngest granddaughter is starting to get a bit excited about leaving home and continuing her education in another city.  She starts in May.   The aviation training courses do not follow the normal semesters as universities and other colleges do, so that is why she is starting the new year of studies in May. 

As I said, this is a quiet day, not much else to write about.

Dinner tonight turkey pot pie, broccoli and chocolate mousse for dessert. So better get making the pie.

Have a nice Sunday.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Wet and commercials.

The rain which was forecast is now falling and will for most of the day.  It will certainly get rid of any snow laying around.  All the snow we had on the property is now gone. hoping no more will come and replace it.    

Laundry currently swishing around in the machine along with a load in the dryer.  It is almost lunch time, so after we have eaten the vacuum will come out and some housework will be done.

We have cable TV and we are OK with the programs we can get, if we want anything else we rent a movie, no Netflex or other channel like that.   So we sit and wait for the commercial breaks to go through their spiel, one after another, after another.   Last night, we counted 16  (SIXTEEN) different commercials for either a product or a program to watch on TV in between portions of the program we were watching.  We mute it all, which helps, however, we are now in the habit of recording a lot of things, so that we can fast forward through all of that nonsense.  

Very little happening here today, other than the normal routine we seem to be stuck in at the present time.  Both of us want to get out and take care of some garden chores, the light evenings are welcome but, it is just much too early to be thinking of doing anything worthwhile  outside at that time of the day.  Now everything is so wet we will need it to dry before work can commence.

Took some chili out of the  freezer for dinner tonight.  Along with some toast and a salad we have dinner.  Also  took out some turkey for our Christmas dinner which will be a pot pie for our dinner tomorrow.

Have a great day, keep dry, cool or warm wherever you are 

Friday, March 18, 2022

Update on a finish

Finished sewing this small chickadee wall-hanging today.  We have these birds at our feeder every day of the year.

It is almost square, 15 1/2 x 16 inches,  I designed it myself, with some help from pictures on the web.

Really pleased with the final result.  I love the process of making and completing a quilt but, also need the creative side of doing this kind of fabric art once in awhile.   I didn't have the fabric that I needed for the breast and body of the birds, so I used tea to stain them with the colour needed.   Placed a tea bag in a small container, added small amount of boiling water and used a paint brush to apply the liquid.   Several coats were applied close to the base of their bodies to give it the darker colour needed.  The flowers were stripped from a sprig of silk flowers I had then, applied with a hot glue gun.   

Now on to finishing a quilt top so I can take it with me to our quilting meeting on Thursday, and give it to the long arm quilter.   I will also show a photo of it when completed.

Hope you like looking at my work.

Ouch, Ouch

We had temps up to 22*C yesterday, a glorious day, so could not stay inside, the housework will still be there when it rains tomorrow.

So..why am I  in pain, I worked in the back flower bed picking up some of the dead leaves from our neighbours property.  This lady never picks her leaves up in the Autumn, so during the Winter her garden is clean of leaves but ours......not so much.  This year I have made a promise to pace myself in doing the garden work, I cannot do the hours and hours digging and weeding etc. as I have been doing.  Little steps every day when the weather cooperates is what I am doing this year.  The daffodil leaves are liking the warm sunshine the rain forecast for tomorrow will help them along also.  Snowdrops are in full bloom and are a pleasant sight out the kitchen window.

Also went for a half hour walk yesterday afternoon, no coat, scarf, gloves or boots, just a T-shirt and slacks, so nice to feel free of being bundled up to ward off the bitter cold.  Birds were singing and also saw some yellow flowers in one garden I passed, not sure the name of them, they were so nice a bright in the sunshine.

The friend on FB who has been reporting on the maple sap indicated they are having a bumper crop this year.   Wonder if all the syrup makers are having the same results.

We are going to have our BBQ steaks tonight as this is going to be the nicest day close to Spring starting.   Rain and cooler temps are not the ideal weather when you want to do a BBQ.  We are also going to have a baked potato, sour cream, caesar salad and lemon pie for dessert.


Thursday, March 17, 2022

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Hoping everyone is having a good St. Pat's Day, no green beer for me, don't even like beer.   As mentioned many times, we live in a University city, which is a short distance from us, so is the drinking establishments the students frequent now the pandemic restrictions have been lifted.  They will be out in full force during the day and night as most of the bars have special programs and drinks for those who indulge. And, indulge they do, several years ago, the university and college students had a huge party of thousands, did a lot of damage and several were injured.  Police are going to be keeping small gatherings in check so not to have the same issue again.  Social media does not help as one person invites a friend and then it snowballs until everyone and all are on the streets involved in everything imaginable.  The University and college both received bad reviews as a result of this.  I am hoping all this partying does not make the virus spread like wildfire again.  Coupled with today, this is March break week, some families have travelled to parts unknown to get some  sun and R and R.  So we shall see in a couple of weeks the results of mid March madness.  

Today is another glorious day, I cannot stay in the house, plan are getting some leaves picked up from one of the back flower beds, going for a walk and we are planning on having our lunch out on the balcony.  
Will have to make the most of it as rain is in the forecast for tomorrow and Saturday.  

My DIL is still OK, now home but no surgery done yet and she indicated last night in a conversation, it likely will not take place until sometime in May.  Apparently, a ruptured appendix is treated a lot different than when I had mine removed back in the 1950's.  

Dinner, shaved beef baked potato, veg and salad.  Need to see what we can have for dessert, maybe some lemon poke cake which is in the freezer.   Yep, dinner all sorted, now outside I go.

Have a great day.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Throw open the windows

It was very foggy when we got up this morning so it took a long time for the sun to burn it off but, once it did we had a beautiful day. The bedroom and upstairs bathroom both had their windows open.   I closed the doors so not as to make the furnace run any more than it has to.  The temp got up to 18*C during the afternoon and we picked up all of the branches and twigs that were either blown down or broken off by the snow on the front lawn.   There was also a lot of little twiggy bits that a squirrel had in the tree trying several times to make a nest but, was unsuccessful.

Hubby worked on some painting he needed to do for some wood for his daughter's house, raked up some leaves and helped with the branches.   Now.....shhhhh he is having a nap after filling his tummy from dinner.

I did go for a half hour walk this afternoon, it was too nice to stay inside after being cooped up all winter.   There was still a little nip in the air when I was facing the light wind, but the sun soon warmed me up when I headed in a different direction.  

All the school children are on March break this week and I did not see one single child outside playing.   Grant you, I was not near a public playground or anywhere where children could play but I would have expected to see some of them outside.   

Not much else happening here today, I guess what I wrote is plenty.

Have a good evening.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Robins and Red Winged Blackbirds.

For me a true sign Spring is on the doorstep,  is the return of Robins, they were on the front lawn and Red Winged Blackbirds at the feeder this morning.  The robins might find it hard to find worms, however, I am sure they will lots to eat, they always do.

Across the street from us there is a monastery for cloistered nuns, (we have to behave ourselves, lol).   The grounds keepers of the University do all of their garden work, yesterday they removed the burlap wraps from the small evergreen trees that were planted a couple of years ago.   Today they are out raking the lawn to pick up all of the broken twigs and small branches from the trees on the lawn.  They are also blowing the gravel and sand that was used to keep the pathways clear of snow and ice, digging the soil around the trees, a bit early for that I would think but they were not going down very deep as I am sure it is still frozen.  

We have a cloudy day,  it is possible that we might have rain at some point in the day, however, not looking much like it at the moment.  

Just came back from doing our grocery shopping, picking up the usual items we use on a regular basis.  There were a few specials we took advantage of but, nothing new was put in the cart.   On the spring equinox we plan on having a steak on the BBQ to celebrate the end of Winter, just keeping our fingers crossed  the weather is spring like, nothing turns  the first BBQ  into a total disaster than a snow storm. 

Hubby is depressed by the war in Ukraine,  we had a discussion, read serious talk, as he was not talking to me, just "yes" or "no" answers, no conversation at all.  He has been a lot better since that happened and we don't watch any of the TV reports.  He does read the news papers as they are not as graphic as the TV.   

Has not done much today, however, do intend on doing some more sewing this afternoon aster I have had a short walk.

Dinner tonight, our usual Tuesday,  chicken, asparagus I do have leftover potatoes from last night so they will get warmed up.  I also made fruit in jelly yesterday, so dessert is all taken care of too.

So that is me for today, have a great day.


Monday, March 14, 2022

Is it Spring?

 We had a bitter cold snowy weekend, today the sun is trying to shine but it is still quite cold.  After today the forecast is for temps all week above the zero mark and some rainy days, Spring???  Could be the start I suppose.

I went into the sewing studio yesterday afternoon and worked on the chickadee wall hanging I designed.  Like how it is looking so far, will do some more this afternoon, once I get a bit of housework done.  Bathrooms mainly need the once over the rest of the house had a good clean last week.  We do not have a forced air furnace which blows dust everywhere, we have hot water heating so house stay quite free of dust.    

 Not much else going on today, Hubby is finishing some wood trim at his daughters house, they had to removed part of a door way to get her new washing machine and dryer in, so he is repairing that.  Not a big job, however, he is very particular about it being perfect.  His SUV goes to the body shop tomorrow for repair from an accident he had a month ago.  Another car slammed into him while he was stopped at a stop light.  Not much damage, however, it could not be repaired, so he has been waiting for the new parts to arrive.   

My eldes great grandson was 12 years old yesterday, I sent him some money, he sent me a message today thanking me for the gift and he is putting it into in savings account.  It is nice to know he did not spend it on something he really did not need to buy.  I asked him what he is saving for, had not had an answer yet.  He also has a weekly paper route which he does every Thursday, and that money goes into his savings too.  

Well, should get busy, have a great day.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

What are you doing today?

What am I doing today?...trying to decide if it is breakfast or lunch time.  Daylight Savings Time started at 2:00 a.m. we don't put our clocks ahead the hour until we get up in the morning.  Therefor it was a late breakfast, we should have waited an hour or two and had brunch, instead of having the entire day all mixed up.   It takes me a couple of days to get my body rhythm to get adjusted to the new time.  Even though it is just an hour it really does make a difference to your body, a mild case of jet lag.

We have snow falling, again!  Even my Christmas Cactus thinks it's Winter again or should say still, as it is blooming again.  

When I moved in with Hubby his house was full of artificial silk flowers and greenery, I hated every single one of them and eventually have got rid of them from the house.  They are used instead outside in planters where it is too shady for anything to grow. They are near the time to actually be put in the garbage.  Now I have live plants,  not all of them flower but, have interesting shapes and sizes, a bonus they clean the air.  I am a person who needs to nurture plants and flowers, so can't wait until I can get outside and get my hands dirty tending to my plants, in the meantime I look after my indoor plants.   The geraniums that have wintered in the window downstair are now blooming with the additional sunshine we have been having recently.   I will be taking cuttings shortly, they will go in the garden in May.  

So, what are you doing today?  a day of rest, shovelling snow, going to the beach or just enjoying family time.  

Last night for dinner I had put some stewing beef, can of mushroom soup, half a package of dry onion soup, some brown gravy mix and a soup can of water in the slow cooker and let it do its thing all day, Then added a can of whole mushrooms just before serving on a bed of noodles.  Also had a caesar  salad.  It was quite tasty.  I had also made a lemon poke cake for dessert.   Tonight, leftover meat and mushroom with a baked potato, cauliflower and another piece of cake.  

Have a great day.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Should change it back

Should put the snow header back up as we had snow overnight, not much mind you, but even this is too much for me at this time of the year.  Time for a nice warm rain to wash all of the dirt away and then sunshine to warm the earth, so things can start growing.

Friends are posting on FB, their maple trees are filling the buckets with a lot of sap right now.  That is a good sign Spring is on its way.  Show me some more signs Mother nature.

Got all of the upstairs housework done yesterday, and change all the pillows and display things I have for Winter, ie: snowman planter containers, snow themed  dishes holding candy, etc.  I am undecided whether to keep the poinsettia, it is looking a bit sad at present, or if I should just add it to the compost container.  Maybe I should move it to the downstairs bedroom, so it can get more sunshine.   Now have an Easter basket full of ceramic eggs and bunnies on the dining room table and coffee table.

My DIL is still in hospital and feeling a bit better, the Drs. have not indicated when surgery will take place.

Friday, again so fish for dinner, caesar salad, another veg, not sure what yet.  Dessert is a mystery right now should put my thinking cap on.

Dut, right now that vacuum and duster are calling me, trying not to hear them though.

Have a great day.     

Thursday, March 10, 2022


 These are blooming in my garden today, however, this picture was taken last year.    I did plant additional bulbs last year, so I have a lot more showing their little white flowers today.  

We have a grey squirrel making a nest in the tree in the front garden.   We had one do that several years ago and we watched her bring the babies down from the tree and relocate them to another tree.  Quite interesting to watch, maybe we will see the same thing again this year.

We have another sunny day, calm winds so it is quite nice outside.   Open windows in the bedroom and in the big bathroom, love the smell of the fresh air, not that my house is smelly, but the air just brings in some new air.  I don't know how some people can never open their windows, I know it lets in a bit of dust but, that can easily be cleaned up.   That reminds me a must get tucked into doing some housework today.  I did  not get to any yesterday, I needed some "me" time so worked in my sewing studio for a couple of hours.  Going to do the same this afternoon.

Just reading in the newspaper this morning about all of the rules and regulations we have had to abide by during Covid are all going to be lifted soon.  I am not a scientist nor a doctor, but after seeing the number of cases also in the paper, I wonder if this is a wise decision being made by the powers that be.  Election coming up soon, so I suppose that is the answer .

Have not heard how my DIL in doing today, no news is good news, so I will contact my son later today.

Dinner tonight, good question must go and look to see what I would like for dinner and start prep work.

Have a great day.


Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Time to change my snowy picture

 We have had another lovely day, sunshine but still that cool wind that does not want to go.   The sun has quite a lot of heat in though, so more snow gone today.  So, it is time for me to find a more appropriate  photo for my header.   A job for tomorrow.

Went and did a little retail therapy yesterday, nothing too exciting believe me.   I got two new knobs for the drawers in the bathroom, they match almost, the handles on the doors.   A picture to hang on the wall, as I have mentioned previously the bathroom is small so needed to look for a small picture.   It does not sound too exciting, however, I like it.  It show the front end of a bicycle with the basket full of peach coloured flowers and greenery, which match my towels quite nicely.   Lined the drawers, washed the floor, put a room deodorizer in there and it looks and smells great.    

Now I need to tackle the housework which has been left unattended to for a few days.   Why, when you decorate a room it seems to make a mess all through the house.   Maybe not your house but mine certainly does get messy.   So that is my job for tomorrow.

Received a call from my son today, DIL is in hospital with a ruptured appendix, she is OK.

Hubby, was at the Dr. yesterday for a blood sugar test results,  good, but Dr suggested that he walk more.  This weekend we are putting out clocks forward, so will make an attempt to get him our for a walk after dinner, it will be light enough for us to do that.   Short walks to start then increasing the steps.

Oldest great grandson is having his 12th birthday this coming weekend, how did he get that old.   His family have not received any of their jabs, so going to keep away for a bit longer.  Just hoping one day they will realize it needs to be done.   So I will wait.

Dinner tonight, left over shaved beef, baked potato, brussels and cole slaw.   Made a vanillia mousse for dessert.  

Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Blue skies smiling at me.

 The sun is shining but, it is still quite nippy out there.  If you are in a sheltered area, such as our balcony on the back of the house, it faces south, it is quite nice, however, at the front, bitter wind makes it so cold.

We only had a dusting of snow yesterday, no freezing rain which was predicted for us.  The sun today has some heat in it to melt some of the snow, it is nice to see the grass finally.

Bathroom only needs some drawer liners and everything put back and it's done.   We have no plans to do any other room, in my opinion they need to be updated a bit, but we are not prepared to do it right now.  If anything was decided, it would need to be done by a professional, we can't do that kind of work anymore.  Finally, we had to admit it, after the aches and pains from what we have just finished.

Hubby had Dr. appointment yesterday for his diabetes, his blood work was in the acceptable range so he was pleased about that, however, Dr. suggested he needs to walk.  I need to do that also, so after the clocks are set forward this coming weekend, we will be going for a walk after dinner as it will still be daylight.   Doing a short walk to start and increasing the distance as he feels he can more.

Got our weekly groceries this morning, cereal shelves still looking quite bare, and the store must be doing inventory, as there were a lot of people milling around the shelves with pieces of paper in their hands.  Just hope they are not rearranging the shelves.

Gasoline prices here are rising every day, people are complaining, but they need it to get around.   It is almost impossible for some people to even consider walking to work.  My youngest daughter E travels at least 20 Kms to and from work five days a week.  After being on her feet in the hospital all day, there is now way she could even think about walking.    

I could say more about the hardships some people seem to complain about here, but I am keeping my mouth shut.  

Have a great day.

Monday, March 07, 2022


After having a beautiful day yesterday, we have rain with the possibility of freezing rain if the temp get to the freezing mark.   Very little snow left, only on the sides of the street and our driveway where it has been piled up by the snow removal equipment and Hubby doing our driveway. 

The snow reveals treasures that have been sleeping throughout the Winter, namely my snowdrops as they are now almost in full bloom just need a bit more sunlight.   Then the daffodils are showing about two inches of their leaves and I did notice the lilac leaf buds are swelling.   The warm weather also brings not so pleasant  treasures, read, trash and wild animals.   Today there has been two racoons in our neighbours back garden, they can be big trouble makers when they are looking for a place to have their young and finding something to eat, they tear things apart.  Three years ago our neighbour had them in the attic of his house.  They got in under the eaves, now I must admit is was very easy for them to do that as that part of the house was in a bad state of repair.    The racoons ripe through garbage finding something to eat, so we have to keep all the containers well sealed and secure.  We also saw a chipmunk, a friend and my sister also saw  robins, so Spring should be just around the corner.  The trash is from people walking by and not taking their wrappers, coffee cups home with them, plus the dog walkers who pick up their dogs poop and do not want to dispose of it properly, so the small plastic bags are just dropped.  Plus garbage that gets blown out of the containers when put on the curb for pickup and then snow arrives and covers it up.   

The moles we have are small animals the size of a mouse, they live underground and cannot see very well.  They eat worms, grubs and bugs in the soil.  

My housework has been suffering since I have been busy decorating so should get busy and do some this afternoon.   

So with that I will say goodbye for today.

Sunday, March 06, 2022

Slow Sunday

 Hubby and I are taking it easy today so we can rest our poor aching bodies before we put the final touches on the shower stall tomorrow.

I am liking the final look of the bathroom.  The paint colour is a pale sea green to match the fleck in the existing tiles, had to go that route as we were not prepared to replace the tiles as there was nothing wrong with them and I quite like them.   I have towels with the same green and peach in them, so going to look for something in those two colours for a soap dish and a picture or two.    It is going to be so much easier to take care of.  It had wallpaper on the walls something I would not have chosen for such a small room and certainly not put wallpaper in a bathroom with a shower stall even though there is a very good exhaust fan. 

I should be outside in the beautiful weather, we are having a heat wave, it has been 17*C today with lovely sunshine.  A lot of our snow is going today and the brisk wind is drying it up the moisture. A win win.  

The snowdrops are putting their little white heads facing the sun, so nice to see white that is not snow in the front garden.  Enough snow in the back garden has melted, so I can see the daffodils leaves up about two inches.    A friend put on FB yesterday she saw a robin, so many signs of Spring.  

The snow also revealed deep tracks on the lawn where moles have been travelling under the snow all Winter, they are so deep we will need to fill them in with soil and seed.   Sorry to say we had to set some traps today.

Going into the sewing room to do some stitching.

Have a good day.    

Saturday, March 05, 2022

Hello been AWOL

 So why.....we have been.decorating the bathroom downstairs.   Painted the walls and the woodwork.  It is a small bathroom, so only one person and a ladder can actually work in the at a time.  I like painting so Hubby was more than happy to stay out.   We are currently repairing the shower stall, some caulking needs to be replaced. 

Oh! our aching bodies, two 80 year olds should have learnt a lesson a long time ago, extra activities you have not done in a long time, cause PAIN.

Not much else to say today.

My Mum died three years ago today.  The time has gone by so fast, but I still miss her.  Every Wednesday and Sunday I would call her when she was living in her home.  Even now on a few Sundays I find myself making  my way to the phone and catch myself just in time.   

Today is also a 18th birthday for Hubby's grandson.  We will be heading over to wish him a Happy Birthday and have pizza and cake.   

Tuesday, March 01, 2022

It must be almost Spring

 At least I hope it's almost Spring.  There are some tell tale signs, the squirrels are just running and climbing all around the property today.  So many of them it is difficult to count them.   The sparrows are trying to get into the bird houses which are designed for wrens.  There is a woodpecker hammering away in the trees opposite us and the air feels different.   So as I said before, I hope.

We got our groceries this morning, a lot of the items we usually buy were on sale so we stocked ip on them, the best before date is a lot later in the year so we should be alright for keeping them for a period of time.  Obviously, this made our bill quite high this time, however, in the long run we should save some money.

I was commenting to Hubby yesterday, even though we throw no food away, only the peelings, skins, pits and stone etc. we seem to have almost filled out compost container over the Winter, and that is just for the two of us.  I  wonder, 1st: much does a larger family create, 2nd: does a larger family throw out food that could be compostable   3rd. do they even compost kitchen waste.   Our city does not have a compost pickup system, so if families are not doing any composting there must be a lot of things which could be eliminated from the landfill/garbage dump.    Do you compost your kitchen waste?  If not, where does your kitchen waste go?   Does your location pick up this waste?  

Sun and cloud today, and temp rose to 7*C, it is still cold due to the snow on the ground keep the breeze cold, making it a damp cold which seeps into your bones, well into my bones.

Have a peaceful day.

Colours and Lee

Autumn this year is certainly providing a beautiful display of colours.    The trees are finally starting to change into the reds, oranges a...