Tuesday, June 01, 2021

June 1st.

The month has started off with some lovely weather, finally the breeze today is warm, in stark contrast to what  web have experienced  in the past few days.  Could  the weather be changing with a new month, certainly hope so.


Who comes with Summer to this earth,

And owes to June her day of birth,

With ring of agate on her hand,

Can health, wealth, and long life command.

We are expecting the plumber back here sometime today, to finish the repairs we need to be done.

Groceries early again today. not busy at all.

I am going to make an effort to loose some weight this month, with the warmer weather I tend to eat lighter meals.  Not the "stick to the ribs" meals a person feels they require during the cold Winter and Spring months.  It must have something to do with the hibernation process.  Now my hip feels better I am going to start walking again today, and make sure every day this month to get some steps in no matter what the weather.  All the gear necessary to combat every possible weather combination is in my closet, so absolutely no excuse, however, I always in the past seem to find at least one to put a halt to the walk.  Too hot, too cold, not enough time, time to get dinner, I could go on with the ones I have used.

Things to do today,  

I need to write a snail mail letter to my girl friend in England, I received one from her a couple of weeks ago, so that should be taken care of sometime today. The quilt for my grand daughter needs to be wrapped, clean the cupboard under the sink, water my tomatoes and new annuals planted in the garden. Go for a walk.  Make egg salad sandwiches for lunch and dessert for dinner.  Do the usual daily clean in the bathrooms.  Only one more place mat needs to be completed and then I will have all 12 done.  Quilt blocks for the month of June need to be sewn, I offered to make two of the required children's blocks each member makes per month for one of the members who is moving and does not have the time for them this month, so four in total need to se sewn.   We have a quilt challenge which was due by the end of June, however, because we are not able to meet at the present time the due date has now been changed to September.  However, I am  going to finish mine early so that I  don't have to worry abut it over the Summer.  Don't forget to do that walk.

Dinner tonight as usual chicken, veg  and salad.  No cooking for me tonight.

All those things on my "to do today" list will not get done sitting here, so must get moving.  

Have a wonderful day.


  1. I hope you were able to get everything you needed to done today, especially that walk! :)

    1. Not all those chores got done. The plumber was here for 2 1/2 hours, do you know how many times I went to turn on that tap and nothing came out.

  2. I love June! May you have an enjoyable month, doing whatever gives your heart delight, Pat. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  3. I am glad it is getting warmer and summer is already arrived. Great weather to be out walking...slow starts. When ever I read about what you have to do, I feel exhausted! We eat heavy meals here even though it is so hot. I have not written a snail letter or sent a card for ages. Become to much of an internet person with eamils. Keep walking


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...