Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Get up and go has gone

 Just as my title is noting today, I am feeling blah, no reason really, just one of those days, which I seem to be having recently.  Just so tired of not being able to do anything or go anywhere, not that there is any place in particular.  Patios' are open, but I am not a patio person, a few stores are open, but not the ones I want to go to.  I need to buy some birthday gifts for the grands, do not do any of that online, so I Just have to be patient I guess.  

Today is cooler and sunny, nice for a change to not have all the heavy humidity.  This is the forecast for the week, so it should be good until Friday when some showers are due to arrive.

Hubby has gone to do some gardening chores that are too heavy for his daughter to do.  Earlier this year she and Hubby made raised veg beds in her garden, so she is busy growing her own vegetables, doing a good job so far.  She was made redundant in the Spring, from her job due to Covid, and has been on unemployment benefit since then, but soon that will all end, so she will be looking for a new job.   She is at an age where  employers are not willing to take on, she has no skills that would get her into a good paying job. She knows the basic office procedures and has worked in an insurance and investing company before but, has not updated her knowledge for a long time, so things do not look positive for her at this time.   This is also going to be a problem for a lot of people because the government has been handing out money  to people in the same position, the amount is more than some people would make, so why would they get a job.  But, as I mentioned, all this will end soon. 

I cooked a roast of beef yesterday, with potato and cauliflower and my delicious gravy. (I do make good tasting gravy).   Vanilla pudding for dessert.  Roast beef sandwich for lunch today

Tuesday shopping day, so that means chicken for dinner tonight, whoop whop no cooking today. Might just take out a couple of pieces of the lemon cake I made last week for dessert.  Dinner sorted.

Have a great day.😐


  1. I'm having the EXACT same sort of day today that you are, Pat! Totally! I think we do have to be kind to ourselves and take these kinds of days with a grain of salt, so to speak. Many of my days are like this due to my having to take blood pressure medication. They're designed to "put a lid" on a person's heart rate, blood pressure, etc. .... so, as a result, the whole body slows down too. I've been on them for 28 years so I've gotten used to it but... it's still not very convenient, that's for dang sure. I hope you have a wonderful day, relaxing and (not) doing whatever it is you don't have the energy to do. ~Andrea XOXOXO

  2. Sorry you have the blahs today. I hope your hubby doesn't work too hard over there and I wish his daughter good luck in the job hunt. Enjoy your no cooking night. :)



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