Friday, June 11, 2021

Easy does it today.

We have five large cedar  trees, four of which line our driveway and the other is in the middle of one of the front lawns.  Every year Hubby trims them so they keep a large cone shape.  He decided to finish that job yesterday and also do the two cedar hedges.  An almost 80 year old man should not be climbing the ladder to do this job, but he does.  He has tender feet, so the rungs on the ladder hurt them, so some suffering last night.  He should buy some shoes with a steel shank but again he should not be on the ladder anyway.  All done and we picked up the trimmings and took them to the recycle depot.  Looking good now  and he is taking it easy today, Hubby is currently watching tennis on the TV..

I need to wash my car, so later this afternoon that job is on the agenda.  Not much else being done today as it is suppose to be hot feeling like the mid 30's*C.  There is a forecast of a thunderstorm, we shall see.

We went for a drive last night after dinner, it was a nice evening to go out for just an hour in the convertible.  Every time we go for a drive we head in a different direction last night it was West.  Next time, it is South as we have already done North.

Sometime this afternoon I am going to do some sewing down on bindings on a couple of place mats, and then should get some tidying done in the sewing room, at present it looks as if a hurricane has gone through it.  Organized confusion. 

A boring day today, I would love to go into a store and get a couple of things I need, not fond of on line shopping, but I can imagine there are a lot of people doing in person shopping, as this is the first day of Step one where some stores can open if they have a street front door.  No malls are open yet.     Hubby was in desperate need of underwear, so we have an order placed through Amazon, which my daughter did for us a week ago, we are still waiting and this is now Friday, a week later.  

As it is Friday, salmon for dinner, veg and salad.  Dessert, not sure yet.   One of our local growers of strawberries advertised they are almost ready, so soon you will see dessert....local strawberry shortcake.  Yum, 

Have a good day, 

1 comment:

  1. You two sure do keep busy! Have a fantastic weekend. :)


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