Friday, June 25, 2021

Getting outside work done

 Hubby is busy getting the outside garden and lawn work done this morning, as the forecast for the next four days is rain and more rain.  Much needed, I might add, however, it appears from the forecast we may be getting more than we really need.  Oh well! nothing we can do about, nature has it own way of doing things.

Our babies are growing so fast, soon all of them will find it difficult to fit into the nest.  The little bits of fuzz on their bodies is now changing and beginning to look more like feathers.  Such a joy to watch them grown more every day, but soon they will be gone.

Because it was a perfect convertible day yesterday, so we decided to visit my sister.  It is an hour plus drive to her house, so we left mid morning and stopped, got a picnic lunch and parked the car under a nice shady tree which felt cool and inviting.  We took our time travelling some country roads and reached her house early afternoon.  We chatted for a couple of hours and she gave me a plant that my Mother use to have in her garden years ago, so that was nice to receive.   A cup of tea and something sweet while we laughed and just had a good visit.  It was the first time we have seen each other since before Christmas.  

We left around 5:00 p.m. as I had a quilting Zoom meeting as 7:00p.m.  Home in plenty of time for a quick meal and Hubby did the dishes.  He always helps with them.   I had a good meeting with all the members, this was our last meeting until September, and we are hoping by that time we will be able to start our in person meetings.  We are all keeping our fingers crossed.

Dinner tonight, salmon, it's Friday.  we still have some strawberries so they will be dessert.

Have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. What a perfectly wonderful day you had, Pat. I could feel the breeze under the shade tree as you ate your lunch. Thanks for "taking us along". ~Andrea xoxoxo



The weather promised to be good for the drive, the roads were clear and dry, so off I went for some retail therapy. Recently I saw one cloth...