Wednesday, June 09, 2021


 The rain...all 50 drops of it fell early yesterday afternoon.   No I did not count them but so little rain fell it just made everything wet and within a short period of time everything was dry again.

In the newspaper section with the weather, the yearly average rainfall is quoted ......Average year to date 15.8inches.  Actual year to date 9.6inches in our area.   So understandable why everything is so dry.  We heard thunder rumbling in the distance several times yesterday, but all the storms went around us.   It is hot again today, with the humidity it will be feeling like 38*C this afternoon.  The forecast for tomorrow.....risk of thunderstorms.....40%, doesn't look as if that is very good odds for rain.

Last night outside of the Mosque there was a vigil for the family that was killed.  The covid restrictions were lifted, so the number of people could gather, masks still needed to be worn.  We needed to travel down an extension of the street where the accident happened, we could not believe the number of people on the side of the  street and they were about 7 km's away from the mosque.   The outpouring of support is just unbelievable.  The Prime minster and leaders of the other parties came and gave their support.  I hope the young man gets what he deserves.  

Today, is going to be an inside day for me, I have found as I get older I cannot tolerate the humidity like I did.  Lots to do, so I won't be sitting idle.

Dinner tonight not sure yet, something light seems to be the order of the day.  

Not much else happening on the estate today.

1 comment:

  1. It's been the exact same way here with the rain. I hear thunder and think it's coming and then but no rain. We had one single little sun shower all week so far. It's an inside day for me too, way too hot out there. I'm still working in the storage room and will be for weeks.

    I sure hope the man who killed that family gets what he deserves too!


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