Saturday, June 19, 2021

Nature's Fireworks

The skies cleared yesterday shortly after noon, and it became humid, not too hot though was there were still a few clouds keeping the sun at bay.  We have a couple of nice days forecast and then a couple more days of rain, then sun again.   Can you see that grass growing already?

Hubby is going to make a shed for his daughter,  so last night we were laying out the base wood just to see how this is going together,  It took these two old birds awhile to get it all sorted, especially as neither of us know very little about woodworking and making structures.   In the end I am sure it all will come together.

After dinner last night we sat on the balcony for an hour or so and watch nature's fireworks, there were lots of fireflies in the shrubs and flowers.   When my children were young and we were camping we would catch some of them in jars so they could look at them up close and then let then all go free.

Laundry and all the normal chores for Saturday, not much else going on today.

Not sure what we are having for dinner, maybe something on the BBQ.

Have a great day.


  1. We don't have fireflies in my area of Florida. I miss seeing them back when I spent summers in Tennessee. Good luck to the hubby on the shed and I hope he has a happy Father's Day. Enjoy the weekend. :)

  2. Summer with the sun during the day and fire flies at night. That is being blessed with nature's BEST. I am glad that yr hubby and you are soaking up the summer as your winters sound terrifying with frozen lakes and snow piles. I wouldn't last ONE day in a Canadian winter!. Hope the shed gets done and his daughter will be so happy.


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