Monday, June 08, 2020


Here in S. W. Ontario most of the houses have double or triple glazed windows, with a gas sealed on the inside to keep the heat in and the cold out.  Some of the older homes have storm windows for the Winter, they also have screens to keep out the bugs, (we have a lot of biting bugs).  

Why am I writing about windows, it is cleaning window day,  and there is a lot of windows to do.  I am fortunate as most of them are able to be cleaned from the inside of the house, it is a good thing as the ones at the back of the house would need an extension ladder to get at them and I don't do extension ladders.  The screens also have to be cleaned because they accumulate a lot of dust, and when it rains on the windows it leaves marks.

 It is a hot sunny day, with no breeze, forecast for tomorrow hotter and more humid.  Then rain for Wednesday, and my garden is in dire need of rain.

That is all for me today, must get at those panes of glass, which sometimes are a pain in the @&%.

Stay safe stay well.

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