Thursday, June 25, 2020

Comfortable day.

Weather today is just perfect, some sun, some clouds, light breeze and decent temp, just like the porridge  "not too hot, not too cold, just right".

Hubby had a good sleep in this morning after doing all the garden work these past few days, I think age is finally catching up with him.  He has had a relaxing day, so far,  his is very organized, so he caught up on his mail that has been accumulating in piles on  his desk.   He was able to get an appointment to see his Dr. in his office, today.   Five years ago he had prostate cancer, so has to have a test on a yearly basis just to make sure the numbers are down to an acceptable level. 

I went for my walk, just loving my hiking poles, don't know why I didn't get them before now.

During the past month we have been watching a robin's nest, from the beginning when it was being made until today, when we saw two of the young ones leave the nest.  There is still one in the nest, thinking he might be the runt of the litter, so to speak.  He/she should be gone by tomorrow.

Cannot wait until tomorrow comes, dresser day.   Never thought I would be so happy to have my hair cut. 

Off into the sewing room for a couple of hours this afternoon,  a quilting guild Zoom meeting again tonight,  maybe next month, if the virus numbers keep going down, we maybe be able to have an in person meeting.  We do not usually meet in the Summer, but the last meeting w had was in Feb. so we could make the exception just to get caught up on our projects.

Dinner tonight BBQ spare ribs, asparagus, salad and strawberries shortcake. 

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