Wednesday, June 10, 2020


At 3:15 a.m. we were awakened by a loud clap of thunder which sounded as if it was just above the house.   It was a fast and furious storm lots of thunder and lightening, high wind and rain.  Hubby was out early this morning picking up all the small twiggy branches  that were blown off the surrounding trees.  Cloudy and windy and very humid, feeling like 34*C thank goodness the sun is not shining or else it would be unbearable.   The forecast is calling for another storm this evening with rainfall amounts of 20-25 m m and being blown all over.   Apparently it is the remnants of the storm that hit the southern coastal U.S. earlier this week.

The rain was welcomed on two accounts, first it watered the garden, however, more is needed and second it stopped all of the fuzzy's from blowing, having said that, the ones that were on the trees have now dried

Going to finish the window cleaning today, then work on the binding oft the latest quilt I am doing. 
Before lunch I put on my mask and went to a fabric store to purchase some fabric, obviously I don't have enough.  LOL.  my excuse.....what I had was not the right colour, I seem to have had that excuse far too many times before as I have a cupboard and plastic bins of fabric.  It gives me pleasure and relaxes meto sew my quilts, so its not really an excuse I suppose.  I am fortunate  to be financially able to purchase what I need and when I need it.

Well, those remaining windows are not going to clean themselves are they, so better get at it.

Stay safe stay well.

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