Friday, June 12, 2020


The recent weather cleared the air from all the humidity, but has left us with cooler temps, such a big difference from a few days ago, it almost feels cold.

On the list of jobs to be done today is,  cleaning my car and hubby is going to clean his classic it Mustang convertible.  We have not been out in it due to the restrictions, no where to go, everything is closed, however, that could be changing in the near future.

Well the cars did not get washed just to cold to be playing with water today, we have been spoiled from the hot temps from last week.

No much happening today, hubby's daughter had a canoe for sale, and we went to her house today to open the gate so the buyer could get in.

Dinner tonight spaghetti bog. and a salad.  Made a rhubarb crumble so that is for dessert with cleam.

Stay safe stay well. 

1 comment:

  1. My poor car needs a wash, but it's too cold now! Rhubarb crumble... OMGosh I'm drooling just thinking about it.


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