Wednesday, June 03, 2020


Had another brief shower before day break today, which is making the air very heavy and muggy, so it is feeling a lot hotter and more uncomfortable than the temp indicated  Going to take some photos'of the flowers in my garden and will be right back.  Photo heavy, don's know when to stop.


I made a "Moat" for my hummingbird feeder yesterday,.  The ants were getting more of the sugar water than the birds, so went to old faithful "/google" and found a video which showed how to make one from found things in your home.  A wine cork, two cup rings, (screws), and a lid from my hair spray, a hot glue gun just for good measure, some water and I was ready to go.   All finished and attached to the bird feeder and waited.   And I waited for ants, waited some more, a couple finally arrived and went down the string holding the feeder but turned around.   Looking this morning, hoping to see did see NO ants, it worked!!!

Update.....the wind has been blowing quite brisk this afternoon, and it cleared the air of all the humidity, and it is quite pleasant.
Time to think about dinner, liver and onions, with asparagus again, last night was going to be fruit in jelly, however, we opted for strawberry shortcake,  so jelly and fruit is for tonight.

Stay safe, stay well.

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