Humidity building today, no breeze to cool us down. Went for my walk earlier today to take advantage of the long shadows provided by the trees, even doing that I was wringing wet when I arrived home. A/C will be on today for sure.
As I have mentioned previously we live in the city, however, because there is a large field and wooded area across the road from us, plus the fact all of the back gardens of the houses around us do not have fences or hedges it almost looks as if we live in a park. Because of that we have a lot of wild life roaming around, Deer, rabbits, ground hogs, skunks, squirrels and chipmunks. All do some damage to properties from eating everything in sight to digging holes. We also have a lot of birds, wrens, cardinals, blue jays, american robins etc. I always have my camera with me so take a number of pics, which I thought I would share some today. Obviously not much going on around here today lol.
Mother ground hog and one of her babies.
Robin on her nest
Stay safe stay well
Monday, June 29, 2020
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Slow Sunday
Woke this morning to beautiful blue skies and a cool brisk breeze, windows all open on the North side of the house to take advantage of it to cool the house. If the humidity gets too bad later in the afternoon we may turn on the A/C, of which I am not a fan of, however, sometimes it is necessary to function during a spells of heat waves.
During the night on Friday we had about 1/2 inch of rain, it helped, however, really not enough to do any good to the parched lawns and gardens. The coming weeks forecast does not indicate any rain until next weekend.
This afternoon as been a glorious day,, now there are a few clouds in the sky, which are keeping it nice and comfortable, every Summer day could be like this as far as I am concerned.
Going in my sewing room to work on a challenge project and then do a couple more blocks on my yungest grand daughters quilts.
I told you it was a slow day.
Dinner tonight steak on the BBQ, stuffed mushrooms, salad and chocolate cake and ice cream for dessert.
Stay safe stay well.
Friday, June 26, 2020
New Woman
That is how I am feeling right hair is cut just the way I wanted it to be done. I went to a new salon and had the hairdresser my friend suggested I go to. I will be going back. Looking on the internet I found several styles that I wanted and then showed the hairdresser what I wanted and she nailed it. She also took photos of me and my new style with her phone, so she knows what to do next time. There will certainly be a next time.
Today, sunny with cloudy periods just nice to start the day, however, more clouds and more humidity in the afternoon. Rain is forecast for tomorrow, might be a day to stay inside and quilt..
Housework today and not much else done.
Quick and easy dinner tonight, pulled pork on a bun and a big salad, dessert strawberry shortcake and whipped cream.
Stay safe, stay well
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Comfortable day.
Weather today is just perfect, some sun, some clouds, light breeze and decent temp, just like the porridge "not too hot, not too cold, just right".
Hubby had a good sleep in this morning after doing all the garden work these past few days, I think age is finally catching up with him. He has had a relaxing day, so far, his is very organized, so he caught up on his mail that has been accumulating in piles on his desk. He was able to get an appointment to see his Dr. in his office, today. Five years ago he had prostate cancer, so has to have a test on a yearly basis just to make sure the numbers are down to an acceptable level.
I went for my walk, just loving my hiking poles, don't know why I didn't get them before now.
During the past month we have been watching a robin's nest, from the beginning when it was being made until today, when we saw two of the young ones leave the nest. There is still one in the nest, thinking he might be the runt of the litter, so to speak. He/she should be gone by tomorrow.
Cannot wait until tomorrow comes, dresser day. Never thought I would be so happy to have my hair cut.
Off into the sewing room for a couple of hours this afternoon, a quilting guild Zoom meeting again tonight, maybe next month, if the virus numbers keep going down, we maybe be able to have an in person meeting. We do not usually meet in the Summer, but the last meeting w had was in Feb. so we could make the exception just to get caught up on our projects.
Dinner tonight BBQ spare ribs, asparagus, salad and strawberries shortcake.
Hubby had a good sleep in this morning after doing all the garden work these past few days, I think age is finally catching up with him. He has had a relaxing day, so far, his is very organized, so he caught up on his mail that has been accumulating in piles on his desk. He was able to get an appointment to see his Dr. in his office, today. Five years ago he had prostate cancer, so has to have a test on a yearly basis just to make sure the numbers are down to an acceptable level.
I went for my walk, just loving my hiking poles, don't know why I didn't get them before now.
During the past month we have been watching a robin's nest, from the beginning when it was being made until today, when we saw two of the young ones leave the nest. There is still one in the nest, thinking he might be the runt of the litter, so to speak. He/she should be gone by tomorrow.
Cannot wait until tomorrow comes, dresser day. Never thought I would be so happy to have my hair cut.
Off into the sewing room for a couple of hours this afternoon, a quilting guild Zoom meeting again tonight, maybe next month, if the virus numbers keep going down, we maybe be able to have an in person meeting. We do not usually meet in the Summer, but the last meeting w had was in Feb. so we could make the exception just to get caught up on our projects.
Dinner tonight BBQ spare ribs, asparagus, salad and strawberries shortcake.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Cooler Today
The showers we had yesterday, brought a cold front in, this morning it was down right chilly at 16*C a big difference from 34*c for the last couple of days. Sun and clouds with brisk winds kept the temps down.
Went for my walk and did some gardening, all the shrubs and hedges are now all trimmed and the cuttings are now on the way to the recycle depot. Also did some weeding, and that is now all finished for the time being.
Went for my walk and did some gardening, all the shrubs and hedges are now all trimmed and the cuttings are now on the way to the recycle depot. Also did some weeding, and that is now all finished for the time being.
Not much else going on today.
Dinner tonight was a vegetarian pizza and a salad, cleaning up the peach crumble.
Stay safe, Stay well
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Up early this morning to take advantage of the early hour for seniors to get groceries. Both hubby and I are fortunately to be financially secure, so we are not really on a budget for our weekly purchases. If an item is on special we buy more than one, if cherries, which we both love, are in the store we buy some irregardless of the price. We both have worked very hard to be able to do this, myself, I worked for 27 years, as well as raising a family of three children, they have grown up to be responsible adults, so they did not suffer from the absence of a "stay at home" Mum. Hubby worked as a school teacher and was able to retire early, and then started another job driving a bus for individuals with physical and mental disabilities. He has been doing this for 17 years, however, currently off as his doctor suggested a leave of absence due to his age and the number of people he would encounter during his day. To this day he is still off because of Covid-19. . We do not over indulge in our eating habits, both of us are healthy and active so not overweight, neither of us smoke and drink, (the occasional glass of wine, maybe) so we do not feel guilty.
And yes, we both contribute to many organizations, which help to provide research and assistance to those less fortunate than us.
Do you have a budget for your groceries?
Grey skies and a shower this morning, and we can expect a substantial amount of rain throughout the day, maybe tomorrow I can get in the garden and pull some weeds. It has been a useless exercise these past few days as the ground is so dry, but they always seem to grow no matter what the ground is like. All the cedar trees and hedge were trimmed and the lawn cut yesterday by hubby, so property looking good again.
Today I think is going to be a sewing day for me, hope to get something done on DGD #5 quilt and also on our guilds challenge.
Yesterday, I mentioned the hair appointment, I must be really excited, even had a dream last night about the style I was going to have, It looked good in the dream, but a bit over the top in real life.
Dinner tonight, chicken, rice, asparagus and strawberry shortcake, taking advantage of the short season for local strawberries.
Stay safe, stay well.
Monday, June 22, 2020
It does not take much for me to get excited these days,..I have an appointment to get my hair cut. Horay!. I feel as if I am drowning is my locks.. It is with a new hairdresser who my friend recommended, she has been going to this one for years, so she must be OK.
The weather we were forecast yesterday did not hit us, we had very dark clouds, lots of thunder and some rain, we were lucky, but we do need rain, as what we received was not enough/
The weather we were forecast yesterday did not hit us, we had very dark clouds, lots of thunder and some rain, we were lucky, but we do need rain, as what we received was not enough/
Went for my 1/2 hour walk again today, it is quite humid so it wasn't very comfortable. The hiking poles are good, liking them.
Hubby is cutting the grass and trimming the hedges today, a lady stopped and commented on how our property looks so professionally taken care of. We do a lot of work to keep it looking the way it does. Some properties around here are not well kept at all, makes me wonder....if their outside is messy and untidy, what does the inside look like.
Hubby's youngest grand daughter was brushed with a car while she was riding her bike on Saturday evening. It was turning a corner and so was she, but the car came just a bit too close and pushed her off her bike. She was taken to hospital, no internal injuries, no broken bones, cuts and bruises mostly. She is doing well.
Dinner tonight...ham, mac and cheese, salad and peach crumble with cream for dessert/
Stay safe stay well.
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Severe Thunder Storms
Currently it is partly cloudy and very hot, but the forecast is looking as if we are to have some weather coming our way this afternoon and tonight. These hot humid conditions almost always bring storms, some even spawning tornadoes. Keeping our fingers crossed it is just high winds and rain along with the thunder and lightening. We do need the rain, however, it comes down so fast during a storm, it runs off and does not have a chance to soak in and do some good.
Last evening we went for a drive in the country, no place in mind only cruising. A skunk, rabbit, raccoon and deer all crossed in front of us. This hot weather called for an ice cream from a drive through restaurant before heading home. Going through farm country in the convertible you are exposed to all sorts of smells, some good and others down right awful. Being brought up on a farm I am quite use to the awful ones, and love the smell of hay drying in the fields.
Black clouds are gathering and I can hear thunder in the distance, looking at the radar on the computer, this storm will likely bypass us, but more coming towards us that look like a direct hit.
A lazy Sunday afternoon, dinner tonight is a steak on the BBQ, a veg of some kind and salad, dessert is yet to be determined.
Stay safe stay well.
Last evening we went for a drive in the country, no place in mind only cruising. A skunk, rabbit, raccoon and deer all crossed in front of us. This hot weather called for an ice cream from a drive through restaurant before heading home. Going through farm country in the convertible you are exposed to all sorts of smells, some good and others down right awful. Being brought up on a farm I am quite use to the awful ones, and love the smell of hay drying in the fields.
Black clouds are gathering and I can hear thunder in the distance, looking at the radar on the computer, this storm will likely bypass us, but more coming towards us that look like a direct hit.
A lazy Sunday afternoon, dinner tonight is a steak on the BBQ, a veg of some kind and salad, dessert is yet to be determined.
Stay safe stay well.
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Happy Summer
It is going to be a very uncomfortable day here, feeling like 34*C as the humidity is high. We had a thunder shower last night which cooled it down nicely, however, all that moister is evaporating today and saturating the air. Whew.
Laundry day, three loads done, one more of hubby's dirty work clothes to do, when he has finished repairing his daughters bathroom.
Have another drive by birthday to do today also, it is hubby's sons birthday, wont be driving the convertible either, its just like sitting in an oven with the sun as hot as it is.
Quiet day here today, will be in the sewing room today, did not even think of going for my walk this morning, will see what it feels like in the evening, and go then.
Stay safe stay well.
Laundry day, three loads done, one more of hubby's dirty work clothes to do, when he has finished repairing his daughters bathroom.
Have another drive by birthday to do today also, it is hubby's sons birthday, wont be driving the convertible either, its just like sitting in an oven with the sun as hot as it is.
Quiet day here today, will be in the sewing room today, did not even think of going for my walk this morning, will see what it feels like in the evening, and go then.
Stay safe stay well.
Friday, June 19, 2020
Humidity Building
We have the heat and humidity for the next couple of days, then thunderstorms and hopefully rain, that we desperately need, the gardens and lawns are looking a bit stressed. I only water the plants my DD1 gave me a few days ago. Can't afford to do the entire property.
The hiking poles are working quite well, glad I got them, second guessing myself for a little while. While this heat wave is here I will be doing the walking in the evening when it cooler.
The hiking poles are working quite well, glad I got them, second guessing myself for a little while. While this heat wave is here I will be doing the walking in the evening when it cooler.
My DD2 and her hubby have a motor cycle and go on rides when both of their days off coincide and the weather is cooperating. I am not a fan of motor cycles, especially when a daughter is riding on one, hubby is a safe driver, however, it is the other vehicles on the road I worry about. So on FB yesterday she said they were in Niagara Falls, we are now in stage 2, so I assume going there and keeping your distance is acceptable.) At 7:00 p.m. they were still they OMG they are going to come home in the dark. hope you are staying there I wrote back, Yes, they were. They said it was like a ghost town, hardly any people there. As of right now have not checked to see if they are home. A Mother worries about her children no matter what their age.
Well, time to blow up the balloons and go to the drive by.
Catch you later.
Oops forgot to post this.
Clouds this morning brought a brief shower, not enough to do any good, but enough to make the air full of humidity now the sun is coming out. Going to be a scorcher today.
Due to the Covid-19 virus, my youngest grand daughters university year has been cancelled. Apparently, because this years, first year students were not able to complete their studies, they will be doing the final courses in September. The college does not have the capacity to enroll additional students for the ones who should be starting in September and the current students, plus it would also put a strain on all these students going into the second year. They do not have enough planes, simulators or instructors for all those students. She is disappointed, but understands the situation. In the mean time she has got a Summer job, on line 8 - 4 five days a week, instructing Air Cadets students the ground school of flying gliders. Also, working at the fast food restaurant job she has had for several years. All of this extra money will certainly help her cover the expenses of her education.
Going now to pay Visa and pick up Rx's, back later.
Due to the Covid-19 virus, my youngest grand daughters university year has been cancelled. Apparently, because this years, first year students were not able to complete their studies, they will be doing the final courses in September. The college does not have the capacity to enroll additional students for the ones who should be starting in September and the current students, plus it would also put a strain on all these students going into the second year. They do not have enough planes, simulators or instructors for all those students. She is disappointed, but understands the situation. In the mean time she has got a Summer job, on line 8 - 4 five days a week, instructing Air Cadets students the ground school of flying gliders. Also, working at the fast food restaurant job she has had for several years. All of this extra money will certainly help her cover the expenses of her education.
Going now to pay Visa and pick up Rx's, back later.
I am back....Got all of my errands taken care of, including taking a bag of unwanted things to a large charity shop. Everyone has to deposit their donations in a huge box, which is then sealed and sent to a warehouse, stored for two weeks and then returned to the store.
Driving past my hairdressers salon......notice on the door "closed until further notice", that does not sound very promising. Will have to call around and see if I can get an appointment somewhere else, I feel as if I am drowning in my hair. Always had it short, not so much right now. It has got past the point of me hacking away at it..
Dinner tonight burgers sounds quick and easy in this heat, some strawberries need to be cleaned up, but not enough to call it a dessert, chocolate cake and ice cream, sound good to me.
Stay safe stay well.
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Hiking Poles
Usually I go for a mile and a half walk on a daily basis, its not much but at least its a walk and find I feel a lot better after the blood get moving. There is a specific route I take in the subdivision we live in, it is a quiet area and the streets do not get all the attention they should get and there are not sidewalks so the street is where people walk including me. As a 78 year old I thought just to make sure no falls take place on the rough road, two hiking poles would ensure a trouble free walk. Today was the first day using them. Took a little while to get into the rhythm, but felt good once that was accomplished. Found that I walked more upright than I had been, so that is good. All in all pleased with the experience.
Going to be hotter today than yesterday with more humidity, and it is going to be a few uncomfortable days until it coos down a bit early next week.
Received and invitation for an 80th birthday "drive by" which is happening tomorrow afternoon. This man is a friend of my hubby, they were both best men at each other's wedding, so they go back quite a long day.
Flower baskets need to be watered, so should get that job done.
Dinner tonight, ham, asparagus, and salad, dessert strawberries and cream, the local ones are just coming into the stores now.
Stay safe stay well
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Getting warmer
Cool start today when we went to get our weekly groceries during the senior hour 7- 8 a.m. suppose to be warmer today than it was yesterday. Forecast indicates it will become humid later this week, I don't mind the heat but the humidity does me in, thank goodness for the A/C in the house.
Feeling good again today those crossed fingers must have done the trick.
Not much going on here today, so I will show you some photos of some of my quilting projects.
This is a quilt I made about 11 years ago, I converted a counted cross stitch pattern, every cross stitch is equal to a finished 1 inch square of fabric, there are over 8,000 of these squares. It took me a long time to complete, never will attempt to do another, even though I enjoyed the process.
This is a wall hanging I made from a pattern in a magazine, back in 2004, gave it to my son and DIL.
Well, chores are calling,
Stay safe stay well.
Feeling good again today those crossed fingers must have done the trick.
Not much going on here today, so I will show you some photos of some of my quilting projects.
This is a wall hanging I made from a pattern in a magazine, back in 2004, gave it to my son and DIL.
Well, chores are calling,
Stay safe stay well.
Monday, June 15, 2020
No aches or pains
About a month and a half ago, I, along with hubby did some work in the garden that two 78 year old's should not have been doing, digging up a huge boulder and I mean HUGE. Ever since then I have had pains in my neck and shoulders, so have been taking it easy just doing the basics in the garden.. Because I felt no pain yesterday I decided to do some weeding etc. and today, is the best I have felt in a long, long time, as I had no pain at all. Feeling so good I went for a walk and then did some more gardening this afternoon. Fingers crossed I am fine tomorrow.
Because hair salons are now open, albeit with restrictions, I called the woman who does my hair, but the phone just rang and rang. Tried a couple of times, same result. The newspaper reported on Saturday about a hair dresser who is now booked up until the end of August.!!!! I don't know about you but if my hair does not look the way I want it to, I feel terrible, so guess I am going to either feel miserable for the next couple of months, or get out those scissors again.
Going to also do some more on a quilt,
Dinner tonight, we have some more pulled pork to use up, some kind of veg, not sure what I feel like cooking yet, and a salad. Dessert ,rice pudding.
Stay safe stay well.
Because hair salons are now open, albeit with restrictions, I called the woman who does my hair, but the phone just rang and rang. Tried a couple of times, same result. The newspaper reported on Saturday about a hair dresser who is now booked up until the end of August.!!!! I don't know about you but if my hair does not look the way I want it to, I feel terrible, so guess I am going to either feel miserable for the next couple of months, or get out those scissors again.
Going to also do some more on a quilt,
Dinner tonight, we have some more pulled pork to use up, some kind of veg, not sure what I feel like cooking yet, and a salad. Dessert ,rice pudding.
Stay safe stay well.
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Paper piecing
If you have been reading my blog in the past you are aware I am a quilter using many different methods of constructing my blocks. Our guild is celebrating our 20th anniversary in October, and in March we were advised two of our members were making a round robin challenge. This quilt is to be made by each member, every month we are given a different round to add to this quilt. We can use any colour, any block but we must follow the task set out each month. I wanted to make a Christmas quilt, however, did not have enough fabric for that, then I started on a panel, and it was not working our very well either, So when the stores opened up I bought more fabric and started, now I am three moths behind schedule. Decided to do a Mariners Compass for the center block.......bad idea, but I am muddling through. Not a fan of paper piecing but love the preciseness of it. Got my paper pieces and started, it is taking me forever to finish this block, then I looked at the month of May's requirement, be damned if it isn't a round with some paper piecing in it. Going to find a simple block for that one. Don't know how anyone can make an entire quilt this way. Are you a quilter, have you ever done paper piecing and do you like doing it?
Worked in the garden this afternoon, it is a lovely day, sunny, not too hot and no bugs.
Now getting ready to prepare dinner, on the menu pulled pork on a bun, salad and brown beans, dessert chocolate cake and ice cream. Simple and easy but quite tasty.
So that is for me today,
Stay safe stay well.
Saturday, June 13, 2020
Laundry Day
Still can't get used to the idea I can do the laundry any day of the week for the cheaper rate. Can't teach an old dog new tricks I guess, anyway it works for us, so will continue to do as I am.
Down right cold this morning, went down to 6*C last night but it is warming up nicely right now.
Not much on the agenda today, just looked out the window and hubby is washing my car, what a sweetheart. When it dries I will clean the inside, it is actually disgusting, from the wet and dry fuzzies we had in the air, dust and just generally dirty. Have not drove it much during the past couple of months, so not a lot of fuel used. Need some though, as usual the price is going up, don't know what formula these companies use to set the price. We find during the day it is high when people are driving around, and later in the evening the price goes down, obviously after everyone has filled up. Gouging? makes you wonder. Does that happen where you live.?
Burgers on the BBQ tonight, I have one more small rhubarb crisp so that will be my dessert again tonight, hubby will likely have his favorite lemon meringue pie.
Better check the dryer to see if load is dry, chat later.
Stay safe stay well.
Down right cold this morning, went down to 6*C last night but it is warming up nicely right now.
Not much on the agenda today, just looked out the window and hubby is washing my car, what a sweetheart. When it dries I will clean the inside, it is actually disgusting, from the wet and dry fuzzies we had in the air, dust and just generally dirty. Have not drove it much during the past couple of months, so not a lot of fuel used. Need some though, as usual the price is going up, don't know what formula these companies use to set the price. We find during the day it is high when people are driving around, and later in the evening the price goes down, obviously after everyone has filled up. Gouging? makes you wonder. Does that happen where you live.?
Burgers on the BBQ tonight, I have one more small rhubarb crisp so that will be my dessert again tonight, hubby will likely have his favorite lemon meringue pie.
Better check the dryer to see if load is dry, chat later.
Stay safe stay well.
Friday, June 12, 2020
The recent weather cleared the air from all the humidity, but has left us with cooler temps, such a big difference from a few days ago, it almost feels cold.
On the list of jobs to be done today is, cleaning my car and hubby is going to clean his classic it Mustang convertible. We have not been out in it due to the restrictions, no where to go, everything is closed, however, that could be changing in the near future.
On the list of jobs to be done today is, cleaning my car and hubby is going to clean his classic it Mustang convertible. We have not been out in it due to the restrictions, no where to go, everything is closed, however, that could be changing in the near future.
Well the cars did not get washed just to cold to be playing with water today, we have been spoiled from the hot temps from last week.
No much happening today, hubby's daughter had a canoe for sale, and we went to her house today to open the gate so the buyer could get in.
Dinner tonight spaghetti bog. and a salad. Made a rhubarb crumble so that is for dessert with cleam.
Stay safe stay well.
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Violent weather
Yesterday's weather was just the right mix of heat and humid to spawn some bad weather. The forecast indicated we would get some thunderstorms, high winds and lots of rain, with the potential for tornadoes.
It was windy all day, however, around 6:30 p.m it became very dark because of the black clouds in the sky, the wind picked up and then it died down, so we thought it was all over with just a blow. Then later the same thing happened but this time with thunder and lightening, along with wind and rain. It did not last long, so we were in the clear, however, about 15-20 miles from us roofs were blown off barns and trees uprooted. Investigators are going to be on site today to confirm a small tornado touched down.
This morning all is calm, humidity gone, blue sky, light winds, but so much cooler, it actually feels cold.
The world is opening up gradually from the virus shutdowns and isolation, how do I know that? The scammers are starting to call me about my Visa bill and also my Amazon account, which I dont have. Soon it will be the computer guy telling me they can help me fix my computer.
Tonight my quilting guild is having another Zoom meeting, our task for this one is to show our first quilt. Can't remember when I made my first one, I had read a lot of magazines, but really did not know what I was doing. It looked OK at the time, but when I look back at what I had made and compare to the ones I do know, I have gained a lot more knowledge about making quilts.
Just got off of my Zoom meeting with the quilting group, technology it such a wonderful thing especially during these trying times. It is possible we may be able to have an in person meeting soon.
Stay safe stay well
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
At 3:15 a.m. we were awakened by a loud clap of thunder which sounded as if it was just above the house. It was a fast and furious storm lots of thunder and lightening, high wind and rain. Hubby was out early this morning picking up all the small twiggy branches that were blown off the surrounding trees. Cloudy and windy and very humid, feeling like 34*C thank goodness the sun is not shining or else it would be unbearable. The forecast is calling for another storm this evening with rainfall amounts of 20-25 m m and being blown all over. Apparently it is the remnants of the storm that hit the southern coastal U.S. earlier this week.
The rain was welcomed on two accounts, first it watered the garden, however, more is needed and second it stopped all of the fuzzy's from blowing, having said that, the ones that were on the trees have now dried
Going to finish the window cleaning today, then work on the binding oft the latest quilt I am doing.
Before lunch I put on my mask and went to a fabric store to purchase some fabric, obviously I don't have enough. LOL. my excuse.....what I had was not the right colour, I seem to have had that excuse far too many times before as I have a cupboard and plastic bins of fabric. It gives me pleasure and relaxes meto sew my quilts, so its not really an excuse I suppose. I am fortunate to be financially able to purchase what I need and when I need it.
The rain was welcomed on two accounts, first it watered the garden, however, more is needed and second it stopped all of the fuzzy's from blowing, having said that, the ones that were on the trees have now dried
Going to finish the window cleaning today, then work on the binding oft the latest quilt I am doing.
Before lunch I put on my mask and went to a fabric store to purchase some fabric, obviously I don't have enough. LOL. my excuse.....what I had was not the right colour, I seem to have had that excuse far too many times before as I have a cupboard and plastic bins of fabric. It gives me pleasure and relaxes meto sew my quilts, so its not really an excuse I suppose. I am fortunate to be financially able to purchase what I need and when I need it.
Well, those remaining windows are not going to clean themselves are they, so better get at it.
Stay safe stay well.
Tuesday, June 09, 2020
Forest City
The city I live in is advertised as "The Forest City", due to the huge number of trees growing within the city boundary. Most of the streets are lined with mature trees of all kinds, copper beech, maples, poplars, etc. On the street west of our house we have a huge Cottonwood tree, at this time of the year the seeds are falling, they are, however, attached to a large ball of cotton. We are down wind from the tree so our lawn is white with them and soon as a breeze starts blowing, so do the balls of fluff.
Visited my youngest grand daughter today to give her a gift of money to help her with the first semester of University in September. So many things are up in the air right now regarding all education facilities.
It is very hot today, 31*C as per my car but its the humidity that makes it feel really uncomfortable.
Dinner tonight chicken, veg, salad and lemon meringue pie for dessert.
Stay Safe, Stay well.
Monday, June 08, 2020
Here in S. W. Ontario most of the houses have double or triple glazed windows, with a gas sealed on the inside to keep the heat in and the cold out. Some of the older homes have storm windows for the Winter, they also have screens to keep out the bugs, (we have a lot of biting bugs).
Why am I writing about windows, it is cleaning window day, and there is a lot of windows to do. I am fortunate as most of them are able to be cleaned from the inside of the house, it is a good thing as the ones at the back of the house would need an extension ladder to get at them and I don't do extension ladders. The screens also have to be cleaned because they accumulate a lot of dust, and when it rains on the windows it leaves marks.
It is a hot sunny day, with no breeze, forecast for tomorrow hotter and more humid. Then rain for Wednesday, and my garden is in dire need of rain.
That is all for me today, must get at those panes of glass, which sometimes are a pain in the @&%.
Stay safe stay well.
Sunday, June 07, 2020
Slow Sunday
Up by 7:30 a.m. sat in the sunshine for 15 min. then breakfast. Finished our coffees on the balcony and reading the newspaper until 10:00 a.m.
Today is hubby's youngest grand daughters 12th birthday. Cards and streamers on a long bamboo pole to maintain the 6 feet distance rule. We stayed in the car and her family was on the end of their driveway, where we all sang happy birthday to her. She is a high functioning girl on the autism spectrum, however, she is very difficult to read sometimes. Because she is not going to school it has made it more difficult for her. She is unable to read and is not very sociable at the best of times, must be hard on her family, Her Dad is very good with her, wish I could say the same for the Mother. Enough said.
Today is hubby's youngest grand daughters 12th birthday. Cards and streamers on a long bamboo pole to maintain the 6 feet distance rule. We stayed in the car and her family was on the end of their driveway, where we all sang happy birthday to her. She is a high functioning girl on the autism spectrum, however, she is very difficult to read sometimes. Because she is not going to school it has made it more difficult for her. She is unable to read and is not very sociable at the best of times, must be hard on her family, Her Dad is very good with her, wish I could say the same for the Mother. Enough said.
I am continuing to take things easy due to the pain in my neck and shoulders, must say however, today is the first day in many that I have not had to take a pain killer. Fingers crossed it continues to improve. Going in the sewing room to work on a couple of quilts I have under the needle.
Later will watch a couple of the programs we have recorded from the TV
Dinner tonight, steak on the BBQ, baked sweet potato and salad, dessert will be some left over strawberries and some jelly with fruit. I am fortunate hubby does not mind left overs, and will eat almost anything, rhubarb is one thing he will not consume, more for me because I do like it.
Is there any food you cannot or will not eat?
Stay safe, stay well
Saturday, June 06, 2020
Cooler morning
Nice and fresh this morning when we got up, most of the humidity is out of the air, but that does not mean it will not come back.
First load in the washing machine, still do laundry on Saturday, (creatures of habit, aren't we)
normally the electricity is cheaper on the weekends, however, due to so many people being home because of the virus the electricity company has reduced the rates to the weekend rate 24/7.
First load in the washing machine, still do laundry on Saturday, (creatures of habit, aren't we)
normally the electricity is cheaper on the weekends, however, due to so many people being home because of the virus the electricity company has reduced the rates to the weekend rate 24/7.
Our city had only one new corona virus yesterday, but there is no new openings for us yet. Thought we might get some because this area is not having a lot of new cases, however, Toronto is, so the whole province is still shut down as it has been for weeks. Authorities dont want areas to open up and others to remain closed, as they fear people will start travelling from city to city and spreading the virus.
The "drive by" last night for my grand daughter was a success, several of her school friends lined up and her closest friend provided balloons for all the cars. We drove around the block and past her house twice, we stopped on the second trip to give her her cards. I had a bamboo pole that I use in my garden and to the end of it attached a clothes pin and some streamers along with her cards. Put the pole out through the window and she was able to be six feet away and take off the cards. Worked like a charm. Her sister who lives in Ottawa, was there virtually which was nice.
All for now, back later.
Nice breeze blowing today keeping everything nice and cool, wish we had days like this during the Summer.
This is one of two hanging baskets on my balcony, they are looking beautiful, a lot better than when I brought them home from the garden center.
My daughter gave this photo last night of C the birthday girl. I was surprised as I did not think the grads had had their photo's taken yet, however, they were taken prior to the schools being closed. I was worried that she would not have a memento of her graduation.
Stay safe, stay well
Friday, June 05, 2020
Light fog when we got up today, but quickly burned off as the sun rose. Going to be a hot and humid day, forecast for temp to feel like it is 34*C plus.
Not much happening so far today, watered my hanging baskets, they get very dry in this weather, printed off information in my e-mails and now thinking what we should have for our dinner. Might be an easy one tonight, due to the heat. So thinking some frozen BBQ ribs need to get thawed out. We have some left overs from last nights dinner, and there are some strawberries that need to be used, so shortcake and strawberries for dessert.
Today is my youngest grand daughter's 18th birthday, so no big party I am afraid due to the virus, so a "Drive By" has been arranged by one of her friends, so we are going to take part in that. Will hand her a cheque on a long stick.
Bye for now, gotta get going, will update later today.
Here are two photo's of the birthday girl, the first taken last year and the second just a few days ago.
She is/was an Air Cadet, in 2018 she received her Glider Pilot license, in 2019 received her Power Aircraft licence, flying a Cessna. She is enrolled at a University in Toronto for one year of ground school and then another three years in Western Canada flight training centre for the flight training.
So proud of her. I am proud of all my grandchildren for everything they has accomplished in their lives so far, but this gd and her sister are special in that, they were both adopted from China, 21, and 17 years ago. I hate to think what their lives would be like if they were not here with us. Yes, I know some of you may think....China.....with all the virus accusations, but, they were both abandoned as babies by their Mother and Father, because of the one birth policy put in place by the authorities at that time. I could go on but, I respect everyone's opinion about China, I will not document mine here.
Stay safe Stay well.
Thursday, June 04, 2020
Openiing Up
On the news today, the Premiere of Ontario has indicated that more businesses will be opening up soon. On the mentioned list, among others dressers, OMG I can get my hair cut. I have, a couple of times snipped some off to trim it up a bit, however, it is in dire need of a professional cut. Can't wait to hear what the time line is for these new openings. My hair is usually quite short, it makes it easy to manage, now it is growing I feel like I am drowning in hair. The only positive from my hair getting longer is that, I have a few curls and waves.
Housework this morning, mostly giving the bathrooms a good top to bottom clean, don't know how two people can make things looks unclean in such a short period of time. We are not sloppy, tidying up as we go.
Currently writing this sitting on my front porch, it is shady and a little breeze once in awhile, quite pleasant. Everything is quite, very little traffic, on a normal day we dont get a lot, but during this time, its next to none at all just people living on the nearby streets.
Dinner tonight, ham and macaroni and cheese and a salad, have some stawberries to use up and also some of the jelly and fruit. Easy dinner on a hot day.
Stay safe stay well.
Housework this morning, mostly giving the bathrooms a good top to bottom clean, don't know how two people can make things looks unclean in such a short period of time. We are not sloppy, tidying up as we go.
Currently writing this sitting on my front porch, it is shady and a little breeze once in awhile, quite pleasant. Everything is quite, very little traffic, on a normal day we dont get a lot, but during this time, its next to none at all just people living on the nearby streets.
Dinner tonight, ham and macaroni and cheese and a salad, have some stawberries to use up and also some of the jelly and fruit. Easy dinner on a hot day.
Stay safe stay well.
Wednesday, June 03, 2020
Had another brief shower before day break today, which is making the air very heavy and muggy, so it is feeling a lot hotter and more uncomfortable than the temp indicated Going to take some photos'of the flowers in my garden and will be right back. Photo heavy, don's know when to stop.
I made a "Moat" for my hummingbird feeder yesterday,. The ants were getting more of the sugar water than the birds, so went to old faithful "/google" and found a video which showed how to make one from found things in your home. A wine cork, two cup rings, (screws), and a lid from my hair spray, a hot glue gun just for good measure, some water and I was ready to go. All finished and attached to the bird feeder and waited. And I waited for ants, waited some more, a couple finally arrived and went down the string holding the feeder but turned around. Looking this morning, hoping to see did see NO ants, it worked!!!
Update.....the wind has been blowing quite brisk this afternoon, and it cleared the air of all the humidity, and it is quite pleasant.
Time to think about dinner, liver and onions, with asparagus again, last night was going to be fruit in jelly, however, we opted for strawberry shortcake, so jelly and fruit is for tonight.
Stay safe, stay well.
Tuesday, June 02, 2020
Rain Overnight
Only 2 mm of rain, so really not enough to do any good. Hubby wanted to cut the lawn today, but will have to wait until it dries up a bit.
Up at 6:00 a.m. to go and get our weekly groceries, more people in the store today than there have been during the past couple of weeks. People must be feeling a bit safer as the number of cases are going down in our city. Only three new cases yesterday, however, about 70 miles from us in a rural area, there are almost a 100 new cases, call migrant workers. They were all quarantined for 14 days when they arrived here, so authorities have no idea where they contacted the virus. The farmer has put out a desperate request for locals to help with the harvest of his asparagus and apparently received a number of people that will do the work. It's not an easy job sitting on a low moving piece of machinery and reaching down to pick the asparagus out of the ground. I love asparagus, in past years we were only able to get it local when in season, however, it is in the grocery stores year round. Do you like asparagus?
I have been suffering from a painful back, neck and shoulders for the past few days, all of the outside work I have been doing helping Hubby with his jobs has taken a toll I am afraid, learning the hard way to take it easy from now on. I was in my sewing room for most of the afternoon and was able to get a fair bit accomplished. Can's show you what I am doing as it is a secret challenge our guild is doing and I dont know if any of our group looks at this blog.
Looks as if the rain might be over, sun is trying to break through, so now it is starting to feel very muggy.
Up at 6:00 a.m. to go and get our weekly groceries, more people in the store today than there have been during the past couple of weeks. People must be feeling a bit safer as the number of cases are going down in our city. Only three new cases yesterday, however, about 70 miles from us in a rural area, there are almost a 100 new cases, call migrant workers. They were all quarantined for 14 days when they arrived here, so authorities have no idea where they contacted the virus. The farmer has put out a desperate request for locals to help with the harvest of his asparagus and apparently received a number of people that will do the work. It's not an easy job sitting on a low moving piece of machinery and reaching down to pick the asparagus out of the ground. I love asparagus, in past years we were only able to get it local when in season, however, it is in the grocery stores year round. Do you like asparagus?
I have been suffering from a painful back, neck and shoulders for the past few days, all of the outside work I have been doing helping Hubby with his jobs has taken a toll I am afraid, learning the hard way to take it easy from now on. I was in my sewing room for most of the afternoon and was able to get a fair bit accomplished. Can's show you what I am doing as it is a secret challenge our guild is doing and I dont know if any of our group looks at this blog.
Looks as if the rain might be over, sun is trying to break through, so now it is starting to feel very muggy.
Lots of flowers in the garden are stating to put on a nice show, Iris bearded, yellow, blue and purple and Icelandic Iris, bluish/purple, Bee Balm, Spirea, Potantila, sp? Creeping Phlox and of course the annuals, petunia and marigolds.
The gardens were not taken care of prior to me moving to this house, so everything is a work in progress, hoping to get all of the plants to be perennials over time.
Chicken and asparagus for dinner, dessert will likely be fruit in jelly, trying not to indulged in desserts that are high in sugar, ie: pies and cakes etc. they last forever with just the two of us, those are for special occasions when we have company for dinner. Thinking it going to be a long time before we have any pie or cake LOL.
Well that's all from me today,
Stay safe, stay well.
Monday, June 01, 2020
Pleasant Day
It is warmer today, the beautiful blue sky is a great backdrop for the sun, no clouds and a slight breeze.
June 1st. loosing count of the number of weeks we have been in isolation, must be close to number eleven now. Stores are able to open if they have a door opening to the street, limited number of people allowed in. Drive in theaters were able to open this weekend too, again with a limited number of cars allowed in, no concession booth or washrooms open. People had to remain in their cars. The news showed families getting ready to see the movies, I bet they had small potties in their cars for the little ones.
Have you been to a drive in movie theater?
Did a bit of gardening this morning, still hurting, cannot get rid of my sore neck and shoulders, so taking things easy.
Will be doing a bit of house work when finished here and then just might go into the sewing room again. Working a a challenge quilt and it is getting to me as I cannot decide what to do next, Letting it sit so I can look at it then figure out what to do.
Left over roast beef from yesterday, it was a nice roast. I must admit, I do make a very tasty gravy, I could eat it by the spoonful. Cauliflower and brussel sprouts and maybe a salad too. Tinned peaches and cream for dessert. I am getting hungry already.
Bye for now.
Stay safe, stay well.
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