Wednesday, November 29, 2023

This is me

Went for my 3 kms walk yesterday, it was cold when turning around and walking in a northerly direction.  Dressed appropriately, with hooded coat, ear muffs, two pairs of gloves, thick pants and warm boots.  If my feet, hands and ears are warm I can walk in all kinds of weather, just as long as it is not slippery underfoot.  When I was walking a couple of days ago, there were some maintenance workers picking up some dumped odds and ends along the path, I asked them if the path was cleared of snow and ice in the Winter and yes it is, so I have no problem walking in the blustery weather that old man winter throws at us this year.  Will take along my hiking poles just the same, never know what might be under foot at this time of the year, as the weather changes all the time.

Recently the management of the building hired a professional photographer to take photos of any resident who wished to have one taken.  As I do not have a recent photo of myself, I decided to take advantage of the opportunity.  

This is me. 

I always have a smile that is crooked but, this is me.

Have a great day.


Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Dug them out

Yesterday I had the urge to go down to the locker to dig out the Christmas decorations I brought with me to my new home.  Not many made the trip but, just a few to make it feel as if it was the season.  Even though my apartment is spacious there is really no place to hang, display or place a lot of Christmas decorations.  I have no intention of getting a tree, the colourful balls that usually hung there are in a large glass planter.  Looking at it this morning, I am not too sure I like it so, it could be in for a new look later today.   The wreath is up on my entry door and looking quite at home.  A nativity scene and a cushion on the chair is all I am going to do.  

 On Sunday, I had a lovely visit with GDS and family.  I now have drawings on my fridge door curtesy of "A" who is 41/2 years old.  "M" was napping all the time they were here, so "A" received all of the attention, her nose was a little out of joint when "M" arrived.

My DD2 invited me for dinner of home made turkey soup and biscuits in the evening, so I had a great day with family.   Bare with me while I do a Grandma brag.  While at DD2 she told me GD "C" who is 21years old and is going to college to learn how to be a pilot,  did her first international solo flight to Vermont U.S.A.  Also, GD "K"  25 years, who is doing her PhD in  plant Biology is having her experiments in the lab working.  Her Prof. asked her to attend a conference in Hawaii next year to present her success in these  experiments.  So proud of these two girls.   

It's COLD.  Yesterday, I decided to get myself out for a walk even though it was snowing a little.  Ended up doing 3 km's, however as I was walking the snow fell harder not as flakes but snow pellets.  The weather conditions were not favorable for the flakes.  They came down so hard I could hear them hit the hood on my coat. Not a lot of accumulation which is just fine with me.  Today, it is sunny with some clouds, temp at -6*C however, with the wind it feels  like -13*C as I write this at 9:35 a.m. Time to bundle up.   If the sun continues to shine as it is now I will venture out after lunch.

Time to look at that glass vase and those balls.

Have a great day


Saturday, November 25, 2023

So good, but I was bad

 Last evening was the last Friday of the month pot luck dinner.  My contribution was the bean salad and it must have been good as very little was left over for me to bring back home.  All of the food was so good, hard to resist a lot of the dishes.  I usually take small portions of most everything.  It's the desserts, my downfall.  The carrot and pineapple cake....Yum! fudge, butter tarts, fruit cake --Oh so tempting. 

There is always a draw prize at these dinner often donated by one of the residents.  This dinner being the last one before Christmas there were a lot of donations.  I made four placemats and coasters, which were divided into two separate prizes.   They were a success as the comments were encouraging. Lots of laughs and conversation, a good time was had by all.

As I was leaving one of the women approached me and as she knew I sewed, she asked me to repair something for her.  She will bring it around this afternoon and I will see what I can do.  A new occupation??  Seamstress?  

Yesterday there were a few little snow balls in the air.  not cold enough for flakes, which is just fine with me.  Today we have lovely sunshine, but it's still nippy, only 0*C at 10:00 a.m.  

Visitors coming tomorrow, my GS "C" and family, they will be here in the morning, baby "M" is only three months old and Mum keeps her on a very strict schedule for naps.  Which is fine, every parent does what they feel is the "right" way to bring up their children right from the very beginning.  

Well better get on with my day, must do a walk sometime today, work off some of those calories consumed last evening.  

Have a great day


Thursday, November 23, 2023

Slow day

Here it is Thursday and it is going to be a day of "not doing too much".  I have been busy for several days and will be going no where today.  Need to get into the sewing room and decide on a pattern for my GGD's quilt.  She is three months old now and has not received her quilt from me yet due to going on vacation and then moving.  For all of my other gg's their quilts were done before or just shortly after they were born.  The fabric is all bought so hopefully I can get it done before Christmas.  

Tomorrow evening is the pot luck dinner here in the building, this time I am making a black bean salad, it is delicious, even if I do say so myself.   It needs to be made today so the flavours can soak into every morsel.  I also made the placemats and coasters for the door prize, so need to deliver that to the organizer of the dinner.  

At the beginning of December I usually put up some Christmas decorations, plan on doing the same this year but scaling it down somewhat.  Next week I will retrieve them from the locker downstairs, I can't remember just what is down there as it was packed away a long time ago.   Oh! I job I need to do today is write my overseas Christmas cards.  I don't send many, only eight or so as the price of postage is just unreal, plus a lot of people I did send cards to over the years I have lost contact with or they have passed away.  

Years ago when a stamp cost only two cents if the envelope was not sealed,  Christmas cards were sent to everyone.  There would be strings strung across the ceiling with dozens of cards hanging from them.  After the holidays they were used by my children for arts and crafty things they did.  

Enough reminiscing, It was sunny first thing this morning, now cloudy and grey skies,   the wind appears to be blowing quite strong too, so it likely feels a lot colder than the temp of 5*C.   

The gardeners are out doing a clean up of the flower beds and getting rid of the final fall of leaves, it will likely be the last until Spring as the weather is forecast to change in the next few days.   One of the cleaners in the building told me there might be raised gardens being made next Spring for anyone who wants to plant some small veg or flowers.  That is a good idea for those who like to get there hands dirty once in a while.

Wishing all of my U.S. readers a lovely Thanksgiving day.

Well, even though I said it was a slow day, I better get moving and do some of those things on my "to do list".

Have a great day


Wednesday, November 22, 2023

No problem

 The house I needed to go to for the bench was owned by a young couple, so no problems with security at all.  It sounds like I was nervous about picking it up, not nervous but, just being cautious.  Anyway, everything worked out well, it is just what I was looking for and it serves the purpose very well.

Yesterday's sewing day was a busy day for everyone who attended.  The weather was wet, windy and cold, so no one minded being inside doing what they love doing, with like minded friends.  One of the members posted on Facebook this morning, saying we did not take any pictures of our creations we were working on.  We were all so busy I suppose to even think of pictures.  All the quilts will be shown at a later date, when they are finished.

As I mentioned above the weather was not nice yesterday, it was the kind of day where the dampness creeps into your body.  No worries, a nice hot bowl of soup and sandwich for my dinner and a glass of wine warmed me up.

To is cloudy no rain forecast and the temp is 5*C.  Hair cut this afternoon, also need to visit the grocery to pick up a few things so I can make the salad for Friday's pot luck dinner.  Also, need to put some finishing touches to the door prize I am making.

So having said that, I better get moving before the morning is over.

Have a great day.


Monday, November 20, 2023

Another one

 I cannot believe the lovely days we are having, BUT they are coming to an abrupt end as the temps are getting back to normal to what we usually have at this time of the year.

My birthday dinner with my ex was a big disaster on my actual birthday, so yesterday he took me to a seafood restaurant for dinner.  It was absolutely delicious, certainly well worth the wait.  Shrimp and lobster, yum.

I have been looking for a small bench to put beside my entry door so that I and visitors can sit down to put on their footwear.  I have spent a small fortune recently on new furniture and honestly could not justify spending  a lot on some of the benches in the stores.   Looked on a local second hand site on Facebook and found the perfect one, price was right so today I go and pick it up.  Where I have to go is in a new neighborhood, so feel OK about going to this house, making sure I am aware of my surroundings etc.  That may sound a bit strange but there are so many stories of things happening, one has to be careful.

Today I need to get some fabric cut in preparation for a full sewing day tomorrow with my guild.  One of our members passed a couple of years ago and we were given her fabric, so we are making quilts for a local shelter.  It will be a fun day, lots of conversation and I am sure someone will bring goodies for snacks.

So with that, I am gone.

Have a great day.


Saturday, November 18, 2023

A Couple of Days--long post

No post on here for a couple of days, been busy.

Thursday, had my wheels retorqued, as my winter tires were put on several days ago and it is a good idea to make sure those wheels are on as tight as they should be.  

Needed to refill one of my prescriptions at the pharmacy, late last week I requested same, however, I kept on being told it was not ready for pick up.  Finally went in to see why, apparently there is a supplier issue for this med. and the pharmacy staff were very rude, almost yelling at me, when I asked some questions and, of course, needed some answers.  As they were raising their voices to me, I turned around and left the store.  Immediately, I took myself to another pharmacy, asking them to transfer all of my info to them and told them the reason why.  They did so, and also sent a fax to my Dr. asking for a substitute medication.  I also visited my Dr. office to advise them of my predicament and change the pharmacy information.   During the afternoon I received a call, my Rx was ready for pick up at the new pharmacy.  If one pharmacy can do it, why not the other.

Now, off to the dentist for a cleaning, result no issues with my teeth.

Needed to go to the ex's house to pickup a couple of garden ornaments that belonged to my Mother as DD1 wanted them.  Everything went down hill for the rest of the day.  As they were too big for my car, ex offered to deliver them, so off we went. By this time it was starting to get dark, as it does on November evenings.  On the return trip, we ended up in a fender bender, resulting in enough damage, which needed the two drivers to go to the police reporting station. No one was hurt, so I was thankful for that, and two hours later we arrived at his house.

Some important things taken care of today, others did not happen, enough said.

Yesterday, I had a great day, having lunch and visiting with two co-workers from way back, after lunch they came to look at my new digs.

Now, we are up to date, Saturday, frost overnight, now nice and sunny and it is not forecast to get very warm today, all of lovely weather has past now and it will only get colder as the month draws to an end.

Christmas music----I have no problem with any of the seasonal music, however, riding in my car on Thursday, the announcer said, seasonal music will be played every day, starting Friday at 7:00 am.  I turned off the radio, as in my opinion it is much too early for this to happen.  I suspect all the stores will be playing this type of music too.  I must be getting old and cranky.

Time for laundry and to get on to my day.

Have a great day


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

It's November?

Blue sky, not a cloud in sight, time for an afternoon walk.  The sun had some heat in it, however, the breeze was cool when walking into it.

Three or more km's today, I don't have the fancy phone that records all that stuff, but there is a sign on the pathway which indicates km's from where I started to the end point when I get off of it.  Did an extra walk around the park, so should be close to almost four km's I would think.

As my title said, is it November,  there were workers from Parks and recreation working in their shirt sleeves, as were some others laying sod next to a newly paved street.  I saw several robins, hopping on the ground that were obviously finding tender morsels to eat either bugs or seeds. Robins are a bird that migrates to warmer climes in the Autumn, however, there are a few hearty souls they stay here, so suspect they are the ones here for the Winter.  A bee on a lonesome dandelion, and two butterflies flying around..  

With the sun shining through my balcony door I can see all of the spots that need a good clean, will be a chore for tomorrow, along with cleaning my refrigerator. 

The management arranged for a photographer to come in today to take pictures of those people who would like one.  My appointment is shortly after 6:00 p.m. cannot remember when I last had a formal photo taken. 

Tomorrow I will be 28 years old, no just kidding, switched the numbers, it sounds a lot better than the other way around.  Received cards in the mail yesterday from my two school friends in the UK.  One I have know since I was four years old, the other was when I was eight.  Writing back and forth since 1954.  Looking back, I wish I had saved at least one letter from each one of those years, unfortunately one never thinks about that when you are young. 

Well, should think about an early dinner, or maybe I might wait and have a late one, I did have a later lunch so possibly the last option is the one I will do.  Going have some salmon and that will not take long to prepare.

Have a great day



Monday, November 13, 2023

Lovely weather

The weather we are currently having is unseasonable to say the least.  Nice sunny days, with temps around 10-13*C during day.  On the news over the weekend there was a report which was saying the seasons appear to be shifting,  by all indications I can see that it could be happening.   Not good news because of global warming, there was some concern over what the dormant seeds and plants would be doing with these mild temps. 

The ex called yesterday and we went for a ride due to it being such a nice sunny day, ended up being a big mistake on my part for saying yes.   Will think twice or maybe three times before I answer yes again.  Live and learn which I seem to be doing a lot of at present. 

Just had a lovely visit with my eldest granddaughter "N" .  She gave me a house warming gift and early birthday present , going to smell nice when I drink my bottle of wine.  We had a nice catch up and now I live in the same city we plan on more of the same.

My Rx was not ready when I went to pick it up on the weekend, so will be stepping out shortly to visit the pharmacy.  May just go for a walk after that is done.  

Not much else happening at present.

Have a great day


Saturday, November 11, 2023

November 11th.

My father was not in WW11, as he was a farmer and considered to be an essential service in England.  He was, however, in the Home Guard, along with other members in the area, they made sure the village and countryside where we lived  was safe.   In 1991 he did pass away on November 11th. so I am remembering him today along with all the men who lost their lives to save ours.  My Mother was a Red Cross nurse during WW11, she passed away in March 2018, remembering her today also.  Not that I don't think of them every day, today is just one of those days where you think a little bit more of the people who are no longer with us.

My father in law was in the first WW and was injured, he was one of the lucky ones as he was able to come home.  

I will be watching, on TV,  the service from our national monument in Ottawa later this morning.  Hope that city is having the same weather as we are currently having, if so, it will be a pleasant day for everyone who is attending.

Keeping up with a promise to myself,  last night I had Mexican tacos for my dinner, they were home made with all the trimmings and went down very well.  

Winter tires now on my car, so Mother Nature can now send the snow, in the future, not right now.  The forecast for the next week is looking good as far as sunshine is concerned, no rain or snow predicted, however, that can change very quickly at this time of the year.  I do have a busy week coming up so better get the household chores done today and also some sewing as I have several projects that have a deadline for completion.  

A walk this afternoon, along with a quick trip to pick up a Rx from the pharmacy is also on my list of things to do.  

So better get at it.

Have a great day.


Thursday, November 09, 2023

Not much today

 Yesterday was a busy and tiring day for me,  going here, there and everywhere doing the shopping I needed to do in weather not to my liking.  Today will be aa little quieter, only going for my walk, as I have not been for a couple of days, then some sewing this afternoon.

It is still cloudy, no rain in the forecast and the temp is also on the plus side of zero today with promise of some sunshine for the next few days.

I still send out a few Christmas cards, so one of my stops yesterday was to get some stamps.  Some go to the UK and those stamps are not cheap by any stretch of the imagination.  Will have to find my box of cards and start writing them early next week.  

I picked up a couple copies of the calendar  which has one of my photo's chosen to be used in it.  My photo is for the month of June this year.   This is the photo chosen.


I like taking photo's have been doing it for aa long time, the camera's I have had and still have are not expensive, no big long lens either.  I was told several years ago it's not the camera but the operator that takes good photo's.  It also helps to have an artistic eye.  I don't consider myself to have one of those, it is more luck for me to take a decent photo.  I do take multiple pics of subjects, that way I can pick the one I like the most and erase the others.  Thank goodness for the digital cameras we have now.

Well time to get a move on.

Have a great day.


Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Not nice

 We sure know November is here, the weather is not nice today.  Cold -1*C, rain which is freezing on windshields and looks as if it is on some of the tree branches also. Windy also, so feeling a darn sight colder than it really is.  Enough complaining, it is going to be getting worse before it gets any better.  On Friday I will be getting my winter/snow tires on my car, not a moment to soon, I'm thinking.

Had an appointment to have my hearing aids checked today, all is good, so they should be only a couple of years old and still under warrantee. 

While I was out I picked up a small piece of batting as I am making some placemats and coasters for the November pot luck dinner later this month.  Should get them finished by the end of this week.  Also while I was out I picked up some calendars from my insurance agency.  They have a contest every year and once again one of my photo's was chosen to be in the calendar for the month of June.  That is two years in a row, quite proud of myself.

On a cloudy day like today the evening will draw in even earlier than it normally would do.  Lights need to be on during the after noon these days.

Chicken, baked potato, and squash for my dinner tonight.  

Have a nice day.


Sunday, November 05, 2023

Extra Hour

Last night we put our clocks back an hour,  evenings will seem a bit longer now, which I do not like very much.  It happens every year so it is really nothing new, just wish the time would stay either one way or the other, the reasons for changing the clocks went out years ago.

After a couple of days of cloudy wet and cold conditions, today we have sunshine which is nice to see for a change.  Can't rely on November weather to be anything else but changeable like we currently have.  

Went to an estate fabric sale yesterday morning, I cannot imagine anyone having so much sewing and knitting supplies as the woman who had everything at this sale.  I picked up some small pieces of fabric and two books, some women were coming out with bags and bags of stuff.  Not much of the knitting yarn was purchased, there was a lot of that.  

Then I went to a mall for a quick bite of lunch and a wander around the stores for a pair of dress slacks.  I am short and of a certain age, so I do have some saggy bits on my upper legs.  Finding a petit size which is made for women 5ft 3 inches and under which fits me is almost an impossibility.  The pants are either for people with bean poles for legs and have no hips or tummy or women which are plump.  The ones I could get on were so baggy around the bum and thighs two people my size could fit in them, grant you they were the proper length in the leg so needed no alterations there.  Fabric, do they not manufacture fabric without being stretchy any more, I do not want clothing to be clinging to my body to show every ripple or roll.  Needless  to say, no dress pants came home with me yesterday even though I went into expensive and cheap women's clothing stores.  

The way I see it is, a strict diet of nothing so I can fit into skinny pants, a diet to gain some poundage so the baggy pants can fit, or stay the same as I am and keep on looking.  I will take, the keep on looking, I can alter clothing so that might be another option. 

So what am I doing today, not sure at the moment, such a nice day to stay inside, so definitely a walk is on the agenda, after that we will see.

 Have a great day,


Friday, November 03, 2023

Winnie the Poo weather

 It certainly is a blustery day out there, needing to get a couple of things from the grocery store this morning I was almost blown away.  We do have sunshine and milder temps but it sure is windy.  This will bring what leaves are on the trees down for sure.

I now have cold water in my toilet tank.  Two holes were made in the wall and the pipes attached properly as they should have been before.  The two men doing the job had it all done and everything cleaned up in just over an hour, so very little inconvenience for me.

I did quite a bit of sewing yesterday afternoon as I had nothing else on my agenda and I did need to get some of the projects on the go and some to get finished.

My granddaughter "D" hubby "C" and two great grands, "E" and "V" have just left after a lovely visit with them.  This is the first time they have been into my apartment and "E" liked the roof top area the best as he could see the workings of the huge crane out there.  

I fancy some Chinese food tonight for my dinner so will get some to satisfy my craving.  It has always been one of my favorite foods I like, to eat,  however, the Canadian version does not compare to what I have eaten in China.

I am going to make a new tradition for me, Friday night dinner is going to be a different one each week, from a different restaurant.  I have had English style Fish and chips, Chinese tonight.  Will have to do some looking around for next week's dinner.

Have a great day.


Thursday, November 02, 2023

Lazy posting anything

 Might be lazy blogging, but not been sitting around doing nothing.

Monday, I hung the last of the things I wanted to put on the walls.  Also, had a visit from the workmen who are going to repair my toilet.

Tuesday, went shopping with DD2, looking for a plant for my living room, found one I liked and then needed some potting soil so that I could repot it.  Also, bought a radio, not an expensive one by any means but, something to play my favorite station.  Potted said plant.

Wednesday, woke to a layer of SNOW over the countryside, it had all melted by noon as the ground was still quite warm and the sun made an appearance, however, there was a cold wind.   Went for my hour walk, and then off to my quilting meeting.  Had some fun making Christmas decorations, which we are going to use as favors for our Christmas pot luck lunch in December.  Also, decided to take the radio back for a refund, there is so much metal in this building, no matter where I placed it, the reception was mostly static.  

Today,  the workmen are suppose to be here to repair my toilet, there are a bit late, according to there scheduled arrival.  Made sure I "went" before they were suppose to be here, as the job could take a couple of hours or so.  There are other toilets in the building I can use, if necessary.

Tomorrow, I have a granddaughter "D" coming for a visit.  Not sure what else will be on the agenda.

Have a great day,



Today is the first day of Spring, but don't get your hopes up for Spring like weather just yet.  We are still in March, anything and  ev...