Saturday, July 25, 2020


Here we are starting the last week of July, where has the time gone.  Next weekend is a stat. holiday here, the second one of the Summer, the next one is Labour Day in September after which, it is the unofficial end to the Summer, and we can, hopefully see the children going back to school.

I am looking forward to two days next week, Tuesday, I get my hair trimmed again, never thought I would be so excited to go to the hair salon.  Thursday morning, I finally get my hearing and hearing aids checked and in the evening, going to my outdoor quilt guild pot luck dinner/meeting.  We have not been able to meet since February.  The weather is looking good for that day, so that is even better news.

Laundry day and a bit of housework too, then want to get back into the sewing room again.  Making progress on the projects I am working on.  My grand nephew and his wife are going to have a "reveal party" soon as they now know what the sex of their baby is,  then I can get busy and make a quilt for the little one.  Have lots of time as the due date is in December, but as I started out my post time rushes on.

 Hubby is at his daughter's house doing some yard work for her, she is quite capable of doing some of it, but tends to be on the lazy side, (not my observation, her Dads).  At her age (53) I doubt we will see any change, bit late for that now.  

Yesterday we were having out lunch outside and a doe and her twin fawns came running though the back lawn.  They have not touched my flowers for a couple of days, so hope they have found some other source for their food.

Well, I should get myself moving.....its that time thing again.

Have a wonderful day 

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