Thursday, July 30, 2020

Late posting today

Up early for a change as I had an appointment with the audiologist which was cancelled back in April.  All went well with all the questions etc.  After the test, the hearing aids had to be adjusted to correct a slight hearing loss from last time.  To comply with the rules of COVID I had to remain in the sound proof booth, but I was in there for over 1/2 hour, it got quite hot in there as I was still wearing my mask.  It was a good thing was am not claustrophobic or I would be climbing the walls to get out.  I fully expected they would try to sell me a new set, but no, they did not, however, when I go back next year I believe it will have to be done then.  They are expensive, but I do have additional coverage so I do not have to pay the full price.

After lunch I made a salad to take to my quit guilds outdoor pot luck dinner. tonight.   It is going to be so nice to see everyone again, so looking forward to it.

Also made Hubby's dinner, all he has to do is heat it in the microwave.  

It has been a nice day, not too hot no humidity to speak of and a lovely breeze, as fa as I am concerned a perfect Summer day.

Have a great day

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