Friday, July 31, 2020

Perfect day

Last night was cool, down to 17*C and we woke to a blue sky, a few morning clouds and now the sun is shining, a prefect day.

Last evening I went to my quilt guild's garden pot luck get together.  Some of our member were not able to attend for some reason or another, but we had nine members social distancing in a circle on the lawn.  Every precaution was taken to serve the food, and we had a nice time visiting as we had not seen each other since our February meeting.  Why does food always taste so much better when you do not prepare it yourself and also when you eat outside.  On the menu....salmon, beet and cucumber salad, corn salad, broccoli and cauliflower salad and deviled eggs.  Dessert.....blueberry pie, rhubarb squares and lace cookies.  All washed down with a fruit punch and coffee.  All that was not on my diet, so will not be getting on the scales any time soon.  We had a really nice evening.

Tomorrow my grand nephew and his wife are going to have  reveal party for immediate family and my sister will let me know what colour to make their quilt.

Today I am getting all my housework done, so that I don't have to do any of it on the weekend.   This is a stat holiday here in Ontario, but most people will be staying put,  at least I hope they do.

So I had better get moving that dust won't remove its self.

Have a great day.

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COLD --------- and------- NEWSPAPER

Today is bitterly cold due to the Polar Vortex in this area, and it is suppose to be the same until Wednesday when it is suppose to warm up ...