Tuesday, July 07, 2020

More of the same

Today is going to be hotter and more humid  than it was yesterday, so another day of not doing a lot outside.

Grocery day at 7:00 a.m. only two other seniors in the store, so it was a quick shop, really only needed some fresh veg and fruit and of course, milk and eggs.  So not so much money spent today.

Visited my sister B last evening to take her some magazines which we have read.  It is the first time I have actually seen her since before Christmas, but we  do talk two or three times a week on the phone.  When our Mother was in a nursing home we would both visit on the same day, a three way conversation is so much easier, when one does not have much to say.  'When Mum passed away, B and myself decided we would meet once a month for lunch, and we were doing well with it until the Winter came, B does not like driving in snowy weather, so we did not meet during Dec, Jan. and Feb, then the virus came.  She has COPD so there was no way we could even visit in each other's home.  The situation  has improved here, so the visit took place and we did sit approximately 6 feet apart.   We give each other just a small token gift at Christmas, neither of us are in need of anything, when we arrived, she said she ate my Christmas present,  Chocolates!!!!   She will still have to wait for mine.....Lunch on me.   

Received an e-mail from a old school friend  S. today, she lives in Sussex, U/K.  thanking me for her birthday card, she was 78 on July 1st.   I am so glad we have been in contact with each other for this length of time.  It's a contact to my childhood. which I spent in England.   She has been to visit me here in Canada only once, however, I have been able to visit her on several occasions.  We were hoping to be able to do a trip to the U.K. this year, but..........a virus has got in the way.

Dinner tonight, Chicken, asparagus and a salad.  Dessert fresh fruit and some cream.

Well, I think it will  be a housework  and sewing day for me, so better get at it.

Stay safe stay well.

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