Thursday, July 09, 2020

It came.....and went

We had some rain late yesterday afternoon, a heavy shower which lasted all of 20 minutes and resulted in 4 mm of rain in the gauge.   We could hear thunder in the distance, which must have been quite a storm as we lost our electricity for 3/4 hour, just when I was starting to cook dinner, we were late eating last night.  More of the same is expected this afternoon, then tomorrow it cools down,,,,,to 28*F with showers forecast for the weekend.  The rain yesterday did a bit of good, obviously not enough though, all it did was add to the humidity in the air, so another very uncomfortable day here.

The living room did not get done yesterday, decided the kitchen needed it most, so that is all spic and span now.  Also worked in the sewing room for an hour or so.

Hubby's work called him yesterday, asking about his timeline for returning, he was reluctant to make any commitment, waiting for the appointment on Monday, I think, before he makes a decision to go back, remain on leave or retire. 

Now most of the stores are open, I need to call my grand daughters and ask what size clothes great grands wear, as I need to buy four birthday gifts for them, which did not get done on the B-days.  I do not buy toys or electronic equipment, mainly because I do not know what they have, what they want or maybe the truth is, I don't know what a lot of it does or does not do.  What do you buy for you grand children's or great grand children's birthdays?

A Slow start today, so I better get moving and do something.
Stay safe, stay well.

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