Sunday, July 12, 2020

Sunday again

We have been is this semi isolation now for months and the days and weeks have been coming and going so fast it does not really feel that long.  Each day seems to be the same, only way we know what day it is, is when the newspaper is left at the door or when our garbage day is. 

Things are looking a lot better though, I now have an appointment for my hearing aids and yearly testing, plus a dental appointment in August.  Our city has no new deaths from the virus for a month now, and my youngest daughter said there were no corona virus patients in thetwo hospitals here.  The restaurants have their parking lots all surrounded with fencing, some metal others  different kinds of wood and  flowers.  Tables 6 feet apart and when we went by the economy, just as long as people abide by the rules.some yesterday, they all seem to be doing a fantastic amount of business, which is good for

After our recent rains, the weather has become more comfortable, temp are still going to be quite high but at least some of the humidity has gone.  I was able to get into the garden yesterday and pull a lot of weeds, they seem to grow no matter what the weather is.

My DD2 and  S I L  come for a short visit yesterday, they were in city doing some shopping just a short distance from us.  DD2  has just bought a new car, the one she had was a lemon, so many things were always breaking down,  so it was time to get rid of it.  This new one is a copper coloured SUV, she has named it Penny.  I really like it and she does too, so easy to drive she says, and she needs a reliable vehicle to travel back and forth about 15 miles for her job.

Whats on the agenda for today, not much, so another lazy day, they seem to be coming a more frequent these days, I am afraid.  Don't want to make a habit of these kind of days, but with the weather being so hot this year, it is just to uncomfortable to do anything outside, until the evenings, and then it starts getting dark, so it is almost impossible to do anything for any length of time 

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