Friday, July 31, 2020

Perfect day

Last night was cool, down to 17*C and we woke to a blue sky, a few morning clouds and now the sun is shining, a prefect day.

Last evening I went to my quilt guild's garden pot luck get together.  Some of our member were not able to attend for some reason or another, but we had nine members social distancing in a circle on the lawn.  Every precaution was taken to serve the food, and we had a nice time visiting as we had not seen each other since our February meeting.  Why does food always taste so much better when you do not prepare it yourself and also when you eat outside.  On the menu....salmon, beet and cucumber salad, corn salad, broccoli and cauliflower salad and deviled eggs.  Dessert.....blueberry pie, rhubarb squares and lace cookies.  All washed down with a fruit punch and coffee.  All that was not on my diet, so will not be getting on the scales any time soon.  We had a really nice evening.

Tomorrow my grand nephew and his wife are going to have  reveal party for immediate family and my sister will let me know what colour to make their quilt.

Today I am getting all my housework done, so that I don't have to do any of it on the weekend.   This is a stat holiday here in Ontario, but most people will be staying put,  at least I hope they do.

So I had better get moving that dust won't remove its self.

Have a great day.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Late posting today

Up early for a change as I had an appointment with the audiologist which was cancelled back in April.  All went well with all the questions etc.  After the test, the hearing aids had to be adjusted to correct a slight hearing loss from last time.  To comply with the rules of COVID I had to remain in the sound proof booth, but I was in there for over 1/2 hour, it got quite hot in there as I was still wearing my mask.  It was a good thing was am not claustrophobic or I would be climbing the walls to get out.  I fully expected they would try to sell me a new set, but no, they did not, however, when I go back next year I believe it will have to be done then.  They are expensive, but I do have additional coverage so I do not have to pay the full price.

After lunch I made a salad to take to my quit guilds outdoor pot luck dinner. tonight.   It is going to be so nice to see everyone again, so looking forward to it.

Also made Hubby's dinner, all he has to do is heat it in the microwave.  

It has been a nice day, not too hot no humidity to speak of and a lovely breeze, as fa as I am concerned a perfect Summer day.

Have a great day

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Oops....missed yesterday

It was a busy day.....up early to get our groceries, then I had an appointment to get my hair trimmed at 10:15.a.m.  The drive takes me about 20 - 25 minutes depending on the traffic.  Got to the salon in plenty of time, only to be advised, my appointment was written down as being later at 12:15.  So, back home, had an early lunch and back I go again.  Came out looking human again.  I do like this new woman I now have cutting my hair.

Then I decided to have some retail therapy, so I visited one of my favorite clothing shops, they have a lot of petite size clothing, I am short so need the shorted measurements through the waist and leg.  Arriving, I saw signs on the windows, CLOSING SALE   Oh no!!!  Did not ask why but assume they are a victim of the pandemic.  Everything, even the fixtures, racks etc. were sale as well.   The prices were marked down considerably, so I purchased three blouses, wanted something different as I usually wear a lot of T-shirts, a grey sweater a grey pair of slacks.  I saved more than I spent, so was happy with that. Thinking of going I need new clothes, to tell the truth maybe not, however, some of the things I am wearing, were my office work clothes from 20 plus years ago.  The only good thing.....I can still get into them quite comfortably.    And....Yes,....I tend to keep things a little bit longer than maybe I should.

Later in the day I pulled some weeds out of the garden, only to be stopped by a very brief down pour, which put an end to that.  We had another rain during the night so weeds will be easier to pull today, however, it is hot and humid, so will wait until later in the afternoon when the sun has moved around and the garden is in the shade.

Dinner tonight:  beef casserole, cauliflower, salad, dessert..baked apple.   I will not be home for dinner tomorrow, so there will be enough leftover for Hubby's dinner tomorrow.  

Have a wonderful day.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Car .......

This morning we cleaned the inside and outside of the convertible we have been using for our evening rides.  It was quite dirty from the gravel roads we have been travelling and from the dust created by the combine machines taking off the grain crops.  It is now sparkling clean, Hubby has another car which could need a bit of cleaning also, but that will have  to be for another day as he is using it at the moment.

Cloudy with sunny periods today and it is hot and humid, the news indicated this weather has the potential for some severe weather again.  We could use a good rain again.  We have noticed several maple trees in the area are loosing some of their leaves, which look as if they have some kind of blight or mold on them.  Could be a result of the hot and very humid weather we have had for the month of July, or possibly the very dry conditions..

Going into my sewing room this afternoon, working on the dreaded foundation piecing, making some progress but it still is not my favorite piecing method.
Dinner tonight is salmon, not sure what veg yet, and a salad.  Yesterday I made a peach crumble and there is some left for out dessert, so that is dinner almost sorted.

Have a wonderful day.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Lazy day.....again

It is just too hot out already to even consider doing any phyisical work in the garden, if anything needs to be done it will be after dinner.  I have done some watering, but that's it for now.

We went for a nice ride in the country last night and ended up at Port Stanley, which is a village on the shore of Lake Erie.  It was about 8:30p.m. when we arrived there and there were a lot of people still on the beach enjoying the lovely warm evening.  Most of the people, from what we could see were social distancing, and they looked as if they were mostly families with children.  Glad some people are following the rules.

Not much going on here today, as I said, it is a lazy day, all the necessary work was done yesterday, so I guess we deserve a quiet day.  Hubby is reading the newspaper, and will most likely watch a baseball game on TV later.  It seems strange to see no spectators in the stands, the broadcast yesterday had taped audience cheering throughout the game.

We both got on the scales this morning and both have lot a bit of weight, since we started reducing the carbs and having smaller servings on everything.  We are not cutting out anything, well maybe, the things really high in carbs and sugar for health reasons, but other than that no change.  We do use a luncheon plate instead of a large dinner plate, which tricks your eyes into thinking you have a large plate full of food, when in fact you would only have about  2/3rds of a dinner platefull.  Works for us.

Dinner tonight, BBQ ribs, veg and salad, will have to look for something easy for dessert.

Have a great day.

Saturday, July 25, 2020


Here we are starting the last week of July, where has the time gone.  Next weekend is a stat. holiday here, the second one of the Summer, the next one is Labour Day in September after which, it is the unofficial end to the Summer, and we can, hopefully see the children going back to school.

I am looking forward to two days next week, Tuesday, I get my hair trimmed again, never thought I would be so excited to go to the hair salon.  Thursday morning, I finally get my hearing and hearing aids checked and in the evening, going to my outdoor quilt guild pot luck dinner/meeting.  We have not been able to meet since February.  The weather is looking good for that day, so that is even better news.

Laundry day and a bit of housework too, then want to get back into the sewing room again.  Making progress on the projects I am working on.  My grand nephew and his wife are going to have a "reveal party" soon as they now know what the sex of their baby is,  then I can get busy and make a quilt for the little one.  Have lots of time as the due date is in December, but as I started out my post time rushes on.

 Hubby is at his daughter's house doing some yard work for her, she is quite capable of doing some of it, but tends to be on the lazy side, (not my observation, her Dads).  At her age (53) I doubt we will see any change, bit late for that now.  

Yesterday we were having out lunch outside and a doe and her twin fawns came running though the back lawn.  They have not touched my flowers for a couple of days, so hope they have found some other source for their food.

Well, I should get myself moving.....its that time thing again.

Have a wonderful day 

Friday, July 24, 2020

Lazy Day

Yesterday, not much was accomplished, Hubby doing a lot of thinking about his future, and I think he might have come to some kind of decision, but still mulling over everything.  Being a former teacher he looks at all of the different options and tries to make an educated decision.  Time will tell what he decides to do.  I have given him my input, but in the end it is up to him as to what he will do.

Did some sewing during the afternoon and went for a nice walk after dinner.  It was cool with a lovely breeze, so quite enjoyed it.  Think I will walk again this evening instead of during the heat of the day.  I am not much of an early morning person, not that I am a lay about, just need time to get moving around before I do anything.   

Sunny today with a few clouds and it is looking as if we are going to have a hot and humid weekend, if the forecast is correct.

Dinner tonight, pork chop, apple sauce, broccoli and a salad.  Dessert, fresh fruit.

Have a great day.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Over night rain

Almost 1/2 inch of rain fell during the night, and  we woke to a light fog in the air.  Clouds have now given away to sunny skies and of course the increased humidity.  Summer in S. W. Ontario. 

I mentioned severe weather we had recently, on the news last night it was reported six category #1 tornadoes touched down in the area.  So far this year there has been eleven, which is a record for this area and the hot weather is not over yet.

Kitchen spic and span, and some sewing done, so pleased with that. 

Hubby was late coming home for dinner last night, he was having a nice visit with his son and daughter, it has been a long time since all three of them have been able to get together like that, usually his DIL is there too, and when she is no one can get a word in edgewise.  How a  person can talk as much as she does and not really say anything is beyond me.

Dinner tonight has yet to be decided, possibly ham or pork chops, will have to make up my mind soon.  The salmon we had last night was very nice.  Dessert is some jelly that was left over from last nights dinner.

Not much going on today, will likely go into the sewing room again this afternoon.

Have a great day.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


We had a brief shower prior to us getting up this morning and it continues to be cloudy, but warm.

Recently the deer have been eating the plants in the garden, so researched deer resistant plants, annuals and perennials for sun and shade, so that I am prepared for them next year.   I moved a couple of shrubs that were not doing very well in the location they were in, and again, they were being nibbled by the deer, so hopefully they will do better where they are now.

 Kitchen is going to get a good cleaning today, the rest of the house is looking OK as I have been doing a room each day for the past few days.  Then I am going to get into the sewing room again, need to make the block for our guilds comfort quilt for this month.  It looks as if our get together is a go for next week, so need to get it done soon.

Not much else going on here today, much like every other day in the past few weeks.

Dinner tonight, salmon, cauliflower, salad and dessert fresh fruit.

Have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

You've got to be kidding me.

As mentioned previously we get our groceries early in the  morning during the hours set aside for seniors.  The quickest route  for us is through a subdivision which has a lot of houses on each side of the street.  Some front lawns and gardens are well kept and others, well not so much.  But there is one home and lawn which is pristine, not a blade of grass is out of place and not a weed to be seen.  No one is allowed to drive on the driveway,  she has a rope with strings  hanging on it  strung across the end of the driveway.   The woman who lives there, waters and cuts a lawn every day, and I must say it does look very nice.  Next door to this house the front lawn has a large maple tree on it, and due to the dry conditions and the resent high winds, a lot of the leaves are on the ground and some have landed on this woman's perfect lawn.   As we drove by this morning at 7:15, the woman was out on her lawn, in her nightgown, using a whisk broom to sweep all the leaves off of her lawn, there they lay in a perfect straight line, on her neighbors lawn where they came from.  You have got to be kidding me!!!!!

Very disappointed in my garden this year, not that I don't have flowers blooming, or did have have flowers blooming.  The deer love my flowers and during the night they have a banquet from my garden.  Researching on the inter net which plants deer do not like, and will buy some of those.  Most of the methods of keeping them off the garden do not seem to work, so this is the only thing I can do.

Today is cloudy, no rain in the forecast though, nice and cool, so once off of here, I will be going for a walk, which I have not been doing due to the heat. 

Dinner tonight is chicken, salad, asparagus and I made a blueberry cobbler yesterday and there is enough for tonight so dessert all ready made.

Have a great day.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Bright blue skies

The storms yesterday cleared the air so today it is beautiful and sunny.  But, it will be hot today and for the rest of the week, with a possible threat of heavy rain on Wed. and I suspect some thunder and lightening will also be there too.

Had a lovely visit, (social distancing) with my GGD and her Mum and Dad.  She has really grown since I last saw her, which was back early in January.  So glad I gave her a couple of books,, she loves listening to stories.  Both Mum and Dad have been working from home during the pandemic, but now the province is in stage 3 which means day cares for children can operate, with all of the safety measures in place, so Audrey will be going  there is a couple of weeks.  Don't know how Mum and Dad with cope with the separation. because they will have to leave her at the door with a caregiver, they will not be allowed to enter the building.  I can see some tears flowing when that happens as they are  very protective parents.
The rain has made such a difference in the lawn cant believe how much the colour has come back to green again.  It will need to be cut in a couple of days.  I will be pulling some weeds this afternoon they have grown too.

Dinner tonight, fish, no chips, so will have to something to go with it.  Dessert will likely be some fresh fruit.

Have a great day.

Sunday, July 19, 2020


At 11:00 a.m. this morning we received several phone calls advising us to take cover in our basement due to the fact, severe thunder storms were approaching and could produce, heavy rain, high winds, and tornadoes.  I am writing this in my basement and looking out at the rain and the trees bending.  It does look as if we might have missed the worst of this storm.  Just hope others are safe to. 

We are still getting rain and looking on the weather radar on the web, we could be in line for more storms later this evening.

Postponed my visit to GGD until later this afternoon.  

After a blistering hot day yesterday, it was still hot when we got up, now, after the rain, it has cooled down considerably, well it is almost cold compared to the past few days.  Never happy are we?

Hubby took his sugar reading this morning, not happy about the results but we are working on it.  Its certainly difficult, when he has never had to watch what he ate, his was very good and restricting himself to  small portions, but they were all the wrong foods, a big learning curve.
Dinner today is BBQ ribs left over from yesterday, salad and veg to be determined.  Dessert is a diet instant pudding, which tasted quite good actually.  The package made four servings, two yesterday and the remainder tonight., 

Going into the sewing room.

Bye for now.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

It's not a warning anymore.

It is here and hotter that H%*LL outside, noon hour, and it is 29.8*C with the humidity, feeling like 39*C.  I am inside and plan on staying that way.  I seem to feel the heat a lot more this year.

Going to visit my great grand daughter tomorrow to give her her 1st birthday gift, she was one early May, better late than never so they say.  Mum and Dad want social distancing, and I am good with that, it will be so nice to see them again.  It must have been Christmas that we were together, how time flies.

Laundry has been done and laundry room cleaned and tidied, just need to bring clean clothes upstairs and put it all away.  Seem to be wearing a lot more clothes at present due to the heat, it doesn't take long for clothes to feel a bit uncomfortable.

Worked in the sewing room yesterday, and plan on going in there again after lunch.  Got quite a lot done, so pleased with that.

Cant decide if it is going to be fish or BBQ ribs for dinner, they are both easy to prepare, I think it will be the ribs.  Will do a baked apple for dessert, they are always good, and the way I make is healthy for both of us.

Have a great day.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Heat Warning

The news last night forecast another heat wave was going to be upon us for Friday through to Monday with temps over 30*C and very high humidity which makes it feel 10 degrees hotter.  So far this month we have had a lot of these warnings and we are just past the middle of July,  it might be a record for the number of days with that high temp, since 1941.  So grateful for A/C. 

I have to get into the sewing room today and get moving on several  projects that have been sitting there waiting for me.  Life just seems to be getting the priority these day, not that we do much, just stuff. 

My Hubby is being pulled from one side to the other trying to make a decision on whether to return to work or throw in the towel.  Not that he has mentioned anything, but I have been with him long enough to know when he is thinking about things.  I have mentioned previously he has been off since mid March due to the virus and has coped very well with being at home, finding lots to do, which was his main concern I think, however, he has health issues to consider and also the reduced energy that comes with aging.  So time will tell.

Had our lawn care company do a spray on the lawn for weeds this morning, they seem to grow no matter the weather.  The recent rain, did do some good to the garden, it will take a while for the grass to recover.

Hubby will be at his daughters around the dinner hour, so dinner will be at lunch time today.  A cold plate with ham, chicken, cheese and a big salad, dessert will likely be fresh fruit, banana, grapes and cherries.  Dinner will be what my Mother use to say, "a come and grab it meal".

That's it for me today

Have a great day.

Thursday, July 16, 2020


Woke this morning to cloudy skies and showers most of the day so far.  It is very humid.

Yesterday I wrote about my trip to the dentist, in the mail yesterday, Hubby received a letter from his dental carrier, which advised, dentist would be adding $8.00 to $18.00 to each patients invoice, to cover their cost of the PPE's.  I am full aware they and well as their patients are to be protected from the virus, and I appreciate everything the staff have to do to make sure everyone is safe.  They, I believe are the medical profession's most at risk due to the nature of their work.  BUT, should we, patients, have to pay over and above the high cost dentists charge,  Rant over.

It is time for me to now catch up of birthday gifts for my four great grand children's birthdays, that I missed when everything was closed and we were in isolation.  Yesterday, I went to a children's clothing store looking for 12 month old girls outfits, O M G what cute little things they had for sale these days.  I could have gone crazy buying but resisted.   Settled on turquoise with pink flamingo pattern shorts with a matching top,  a soft orange coloured romper suit, and two story books.  One down three more to go, but have to wait and until I am advised of sizes for those.  I get to go shopping again.

Not much else happening today, however, must start thinking about dinner.


Wednesday, July 15, 2020


I am very fortunate to have good teeth, I am 78 years old and have only lost two molars, and also have dental coverage that pays 80% of the bill, for most procedures.  Back in May I had an appointment for a cleaning, of course  was not able to go for that appointment.  Received a call to go yesterday, over the phone I was a asked a number of questions about my health.  Had to wear a mask upon entering the door, and again asked those same questions and had to sign a document, to confirm I was not ill.  Then was required to swish a mouth wash in my mouth for a full 60 seconds.  Do you know how long that time is when you have a mouth full of liquid that cannot be swallowed or spat out?  It is a long time. 

By this time I am in the chair and the hygienist excuses herself and goes into the next room, and was gone for a couple of minutes.  Through the door she says "I hope I am not going to scare you?"  I didn't know what to expect.  When she came through the door I thought I was in a scientific horror movie. She was wearing a long green gown from neck to her toes, it looked more like an army tent that had lost it cammo paint.  On her face she wore a surgical mask and a pair on goggles, so now she looks more like Kermit the frog.  On top of all that she was wearing a clear plastic face shield.  Now, I know I AM in that horror movie, because she was also carry a tray of sterilized instruments to use to work on me.  My flight or fight mode was over come by my laughter.  

After an hour and a half I was done, however, that was only the bottom of my mouth done, I had to go back again today for the top.  Now, I do brush my teeth and have taken very good care of them over the years, so how come they got that bad in two extra months of not being attended to?  The bill yesterday was a bit over the top I thought, but a bit lower today. I asked the hygienist who did the work on me today, if all dentists have a price schedule which is used to invoice patients.  Yes, they do, she said, however, some dentists charge extra.  Ha Ha, just as I thought, but who am I to question the cost I cannot prove anything.  As I said previously my coverage by 80%, so glad as these two invoices would have put a dent in my purse. The only consolation, its all a lot cheaper and a whole lot more comfortable that dentures. 

I know I am making light of this whole experience, but I also know people in the health care field, also need to take all the precautions that are necessary in these troubling times.  I am grateful that I am able to have the care I need and all of the PPE's are in place to keep them and me safe.

So that has been my adventures for two days.  

Have a great day, and stay well.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020


We have three bird houses that are built especially for wrens, the entry hole is quite small so other birds cannot get in.  We have been keeping our eyes on the adults going back and forth and yesterday, we could hear the little ones, so it won't be long before they are gone.  Hopefully, there will be another brood in another of the bird houses soon. 

It was down right cold last night, compared to the previous weather we have had.  Nice sun shine and warmer temps today, and becoming hotter as the week goes by.

My dentist placed me on a cancellation list, yesterday I received a call, with an appointment for this afternoon.  I was asked many questions and given instructions on what to do when I go to the office.  I am sure my temp will be taken and more questions will be asked.   I am fine with all the safe guards which are in place as long as if keeps everyone healthy.  I just wish everyone would wear a mask, especially the young adults who think they are immune to this virus.  They are not.

Our area goes into stage 3 on Friday, which means restaurants can open and have customers sit inside, movie theaters, bowling allies, etc can also open, all with limited patrons being 6 feet apart.  Some areas are still in stage 2 because of residents being infected.  Things are slowly becoming our new normal.

Received e-mails from people in my quilting guild, we may be getting together for our annual meal, which we normally have in June, as we do not meet during the months of July and August.  We are deciding what is our best plan, so hopefully on Judy 30th, we will get to see all of our members.

Grocery shopping took a little longer this morning as we had to look at all of the carb. and sugar content of what we were buying. 

Dinner tonight, chicken, veg--to be determined, salad and fruit for dessert. 

Stay safe stay well.

Monday, July 13, 2020


Cloudy first thing and mix of sun and cloud for the rest of the day, with a brisk wind that tends to be cool when the sun is behind the clouds.  Only good thing about this weather is, no humidity so we can open the windows and get some fresh air into the house.

After the recent rains it was so much easier to pull weeds, so that was a job we got done yesterday.  Hubby has two flat tires on lawn tractor, so he has to take them off and get them repaired tomorrow, because the grass is going to start growing again soon.  The rain did make some of it green up a bit, however, that which is turned brown and died, well it did not actually die, it goes into a dormant state, and does come back again with rain, albeit, it takes a bit of time.

Actually have a dentist appointment tomorrow, I was on a cancellation list, which is good as my original appointment was in late August. 

Hubby had an appointment with a diabetic nurse today, he has to watch his diet.  End he will, as he lost his wife and me my husband due to complications with diabetes, ie: heart disease and untreatable infections/

Dinner tonight, left over roast beef, squash, salad, not sure about dessert, will have to start thinking less carbs and sugar.

Stay safe stay well

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Sunday again

We have been is this semi isolation now for months and the days and weeks have been coming and going so fast it does not really feel that long.  Each day seems to be the same, only way we know what day it is, is when the newspaper is left at the door or when our garbage day is. 

Things are looking a lot better though, I now have an appointment for my hearing aids and yearly testing, plus a dental appointment in August.  Our city has no new deaths from the virus for a month now, and my youngest daughter said there were no corona virus patients in thetwo hospitals here.  The restaurants have their parking lots all surrounded with fencing, some metal others  different kinds of wood and  flowers.  Tables 6 feet apart and when we went by the economy, just as long as people abide by the rules.some yesterday, they all seem to be doing a fantastic amount of business, which is good for

After our recent rains, the weather has become more comfortable, temp are still going to be quite high but at least some of the humidity has gone.  I was able to get into the garden yesterday and pull a lot of weeds, they seem to grow no matter what the weather is.

My DD2 and  S I L  come for a short visit yesterday, they were in city doing some shopping just a short distance from us.  DD2  has just bought a new car, the one she had was a lemon, so many things were always breaking down,  so it was time to get rid of it.  This new one is a copper coloured SUV, she has named it Penny.  I really like it and she does too, so easy to drive she says, and she needs a reliable vehicle to travel back and forth about 15 miles for her job.

Whats on the agenda for today, not much, so another lazy day, they seem to be coming a more frequent these days, I am afraid.  Don't want to make a habit of these kind of days, but with the weather being so hot this year, it is just to uncomfortable to do anything outside, until the evenings, and then it starts getting dark, so it is almost impossible to do anything for any length of time 

Saturday, July 11, 2020

And the thunder rolled

The black clouds gathered in the distance, and moved in around us shortly after 5:00 p.m.  The rain came down in torrents, the lightening and thunder came next.  The temp fell from 33*C to 23*C in 20 minutes and during that time we had an inch of rain.  Much needed rain, as the crops were nearing drought conditions.  During the night we had another 1/2 inch of rain and currently the skies are cloudy so more rain is expected throughout the day.  It is amazing how quickly the plants in the garden and the lawn look so much better for the lower temps and rain.   

Did quite a lot in the sewing room yesterday working on the guilds challenge quilt, trying to get caught up with the monthly rounds, June is a round of blocks with curved seams, on the 15th of this month the July round will be published.  Then there is my youngest grand daughters quilt to do some work on, and recently I found out my grand nephew and his wife are expecting a baby, so I will make a quilt for them.

Laundry currently being done, and it looks as if the vacuum should be used on the floor, and when all that is done it will be lunch time.  Women's work is never done.

Dinner tonight, quick and easy, I seem to be doing a lot of quick and easy these days.   Hot dogs, brown baked bean, and a cabbage salad.   Fruit in jelly for dessert,  

Stay safe stay well 

Friday, July 10, 2020

Forecast wrong again

We did not get the severe thunderstorms predicted for yesterday evening, however, we did see some very ominous clouds bypass the north end of the city.  The same is forecast for today, so we shall see if it is right.

The door knob on the backdoor is brass, when I opened it to come inside after watering the flowers, the knob was so hot I could not hold onto it.  It faces south so at the present time is getting the full sun on it, the temp at the time of writing 11:20 a.m. is 31*C with high humidity feeling like 38*C.

Not much going on today, to uncomfortable to do anything outside until after dinner, so it looks as if the sewing room is going to get a visitor again today.

Hope your day is going well,

Stay safe stay well.

Thursday, July 09, 2020

It came.....and went

We had some rain late yesterday afternoon, a heavy shower which lasted all of 20 minutes and resulted in 4 mm of rain in the gauge.   We could hear thunder in the distance, which must have been quite a storm as we lost our electricity for 3/4 hour, just when I was starting to cook dinner, we were late eating last night.  More of the same is expected this afternoon, then tomorrow it cools down,,,,,to 28*F with showers forecast for the weekend.  The rain yesterday did a bit of good, obviously not enough though, all it did was add to the humidity in the air, so another very uncomfortable day here.

The living room did not get done yesterday, decided the kitchen needed it most, so that is all spic and span now.  Also worked in the sewing room for an hour or so.

Hubby's work called him yesterday, asking about his timeline for returning, he was reluctant to make any commitment, waiting for the appointment on Monday, I think, before he makes a decision to go back, remain on leave or retire. 

Now most of the stores are open, I need to call my grand daughters and ask what size clothes great grands wear, as I need to buy four birthday gifts for them, which did not get done on the B-days.  I do not buy toys or electronic equipment, mainly because I do not know what they have, what they want or maybe the truth is, I don't know what a lot of it does or does not do.  What do you buy for you grand children's or great grand children's birthdays?

A Slow start today, so I better get moving and do something.
Stay safe, stay well.

Wednesday, July 08, 2020


Communities wesNext we of where I live received some rain last evening, but here, nothing.  The sky became very black and we were expecting quite a storm, but it veered past us.  We were out in the convertible for a drive, hubby wanted to see if a electrician's business was open,  it wasn't, so we continued out into the country thinking the clouds were further away than they were,  Yep, we had to hurry and put the top up, even so, we got wet, but it felt good, cooled us down.  Headed back home to dry out.  

I decided to do some "Summer" house cleaning, the spare/guest room was done yesterday.  It is such a good feeling to do a full top to bottom clean, not that it was dirty or anything but looks better knowing it is spic and span, not only the parts you can see but also areas that you can't.  Today, is the living rooms turn, it is quite a large room that is also open to the dining room, so might as well do that too.  Sounds as if I am going to be busy.

Not much else going on today, maybe an update later if something exciting happens,  don't expect any update.

Dinner tonight BBQ ribs, no I am not cooking them, frozen from the grocery, thaw and heat, already cooked, my kind of meal when it is too hot to cook,  Asparagus and a salad, dessert fresh fruit and cream. Quick and easy, but also fairly healthy and best of all it tastes good.    

Hubby had a blood test recently and last week had a call from Dr. they have set him up for a consultation with a diabetic nurse.  He is the last person we thought would be speaking to a diabetic nurse, he is slim, active and healthy, or so we thought.  Maybe we are jumping the gun, lets hope so.  Both his late wife and my late husband, died from complications from diabetic heart decease, so we know it is important to find out early if there is a problem, we find out on Monday.

Stay safe stay well.. 

Tuesday, July 07, 2020

More of the same

Today is going to be hotter and more humid  than it was yesterday, so another day of not doing a lot outside.

Grocery day at 7:00 a.m. only two other seniors in the store, so it was a quick shop, really only needed some fresh veg and fruit and of course, milk and eggs.  So not so much money spent today.

Visited my sister B last evening to take her some magazines which we have read.  It is the first time I have actually seen her since before Christmas, but we  do talk two or three times a week on the phone.  When our Mother was in a nursing home we would both visit on the same day, a three way conversation is so much easier, when one does not have much to say.  'When Mum passed away, B and myself decided we would meet once a month for lunch, and we were doing well with it until the Winter came, B does not like driving in snowy weather, so we did not meet during Dec, Jan. and Feb, then the virus came.  She has COPD so there was no way we could even visit in each other's home.  The situation  has improved here, so the visit took place and we did sit approximately 6 feet apart.   We give each other just a small token gift at Christmas, neither of us are in need of anything, when we arrived, she said she ate my Christmas present,  Chocolates!!!!   She will still have to wait for mine.....Lunch on me.   

Received an e-mail from a old school friend  S. today, she lives in Sussex, U/K.  thanking me for her birthday card, she was 78 on July 1st.   I am so glad we have been in contact with each other for this length of time.  It's a contact to my childhood. which I spent in England.   She has been to visit me here in Canada only once, however, I have been able to visit her on several occasions.  We were hoping to be able to do a trip to the U.K. this year, but..........a virus has got in the way.

Dinner tonight, Chicken, asparagus and a salad.  Dessert fresh fruit and some cream.

Well, I think it will  be a housework  and sewing day for me, so better get at it.

Stay safe stay well.

Monday, July 06, 2020


That is the only way to describe today, blazing hot sun, no breeze and high humidity.   Today is definitely a stay in the house day for sure.

My front side strip of garden is looking very sad, I believe the deer have eaten to tops off of my phlox this year, and as I have mentioned preciously I was unable to purchase the usual annuals I plant.  A right off for sure, just as 2020 is looking for me.

I think the isolation is getting to me, not that we are really forced to stay inside, as we are not at this point in time, however, as we are both over 75 yrs, old we believe it is a wise decision to stay as isolated as we can.   Hubby suggested a couple of days ago, we should go on a driving vacation to Newfoundland because he is off work,.....he had completely forgot about the island closing it's doors to travelers,  so here we are.  This isolation has been different for both of us.  When I moved in with hubby, he was working four days a week, and of course, I was already retired, so we had three days of being together.  Now he is taking an extended leave of absence we are together 24/7 a big adjustment.  The only other times we have be together for a period of time was when we were on vacations.   I am not complaining, we have had a great times together during the time he has been home.  I wish he would retire permanently, which may be the case, time will tell.

On to today,  I am going to do a deep clean in my spare/guest bedroom today, not that it needs it really, no one has been in it for some time.   But, it needs to be freshened up.  Next on the list is some sewing, several projects are sitting there for me to get finished, so hope to work on the challenge quilt which our quilting guild is doing this year.  Then dinner...

Dinner tonight,  pork chops, veg, not determined yet, and a salad.  Dessert ???  fruit and cream or ice cream,  maybe fruit in jelly, 

Well that room is not going to get with me on the computer.


Sunday, July 05, 2020

Watering flowers

That's about all I have done outside today, it has been just too hot do anything else.  Even hubby has been inside which is quite unusual for him. I did a bit of tidying up and some sewing, hubby has caught up on reading the news paper.  We intend of not doing much more today either.

On the news last night the reported said, if we experience temps above 30*C for the next week, which, is in the forecast, we will break the record for the number of consecutive days in a row it has been that high.  On the record books, it was back in 1939, when there was 10 days in a row of 30*C temps.

Last night we again when for a ride, full moon arising, so had to take a photo.

That is all for today, I told you it was a slow day.

Stay safe stay well.

Saturday, July 04, 2020

Even hotter

Today is going to be even more humid than yesterday, which is going to make it feel more uncomfortable.  The city as issued a "heat warning", in normal times they would encourage people without any access to a cool spot to go to, to go to a mall, library or the buildings they open up especially for individuals to cool down.   What they are doing now I have not heard.
A/C on and feeling a lot better, the heat drains all the energy from you when it is coupled with the humidity.  This is going to be a day of "not doing much of anything day".  What gets done will be inside, laundry, housework and the sewing room keeps inviting me in.

Hubby is reading the newspaper, usually he is outside working away at something.  What needs to be done outside will likely get looked at when it cools in the evening.

The clematis in the garden are blooming, one is a very pale purple and looks very much looks much like a passion flower, don't know the name of it.  The other, again no name, is a very dark purple, almost black, I encouraged it to climb up the support for the balcony, the flowers on it are a lot bigger than the others on the plant.  It must like the extra exposure to the sun.  The day lilies will be blooming within the next couple of days,  Garden is looking a lot better with these new flowers showing some colour 

Well, we had a visitor this morning.
Thirsty in this weather.

Thank you very much, I'm
 on my way.

Friday, July 03, 2020


Yes, it is going to be hotter today than yesterday, tomorrow even worse with the temp being 34*C feeling more like 45*C. the forecast on the news last night indicated it is to be hot and humid for the next ten days with very little chance of any rain.  I cannot remember it being this hot for this extended period of time.   Will we have a massive storm when it ends?    Global warming?

Our lawn is getting more dry and brown every day, we do not water it as it would be so expensive and the hose water really does nothing because of the chemicals in it.   Once it rains the grass will bounce back and become green again.  It's amazing really, one positive, hubby does not have to cut it. I do give my flowers a drink in the evening, and they are still looking good despite the lack of rain water.

Went for my walk early this morning, thank goodness for a nice breeze again today.  Had a nice cool shower, now I feel human again.

In the afternoon I did some more in the sewing room, working on the challenge quilt again, and it is a challenge, but enjoying the process just the same.  Seeing it come together makes all the frustration worth it.

Took another drive in the country after dinner last night.  Went to the village where my hubby grew up and talked to one of his friends he grew up with, (six feet apart). We had hope to be able to visit England this year, so I could show him where I grew up and introduce him to two school friends I still communicate with and also some relatives still there.  That did not and will not happen in 2020, hoping 2021 might be the year, as we and everyone I want to see are not getting any older.  I have been writing to my school friends since 1954, one is the girl I started school with when we were four years old.

Well that's all for me today.

Stay safe stay well.

Thursday, July 02, 2020


It is hot again today, however, a nice breeze keeps it comfortable.  We keep getting a forecast for a potential thunderstorm late afternoon but as of yet we have only seen a few clouds these past couple of days. 

Years ago, when my children were small my late husband worked a night shift.  During the Summer we would have days like today and instead of just a forecast, we did get violent storms.  Back then I was not a fan of thunder and lightening, and as I was the only parent in the house with three children my fear was I would never be able to get to all three if there was an emergency.  So, I would carry them all to the couch in the living room and they would continue to sleep, and I was able to keep a close eye on all of them.  Thinking back, I could have easily made all three of them terrified of thunder storms, luckily none of them are.   Are you scared on thunderstorms?

Did my walk early this morning before the heat set in.

Dinner tonight, roast beef, what was I a roast on a day like today, anyway it's cooked and smells wonderful.  Cauliflower and a salad, dessert fruit in jelly, with a dollop of whipped cream.

Stay safe stay well.

Wednesday, July 01, 2020


A breeze yesterday made for a nice day even though it was hot, and today, not much movement in the air at all, so it is going to feel hotter.   It's Summer in S.W. Ontario so it is expected, six months from now I am sure we would appreciate some of this heat. 

Spent a couple of hours in the sewing room yesterday, working on the challenge quilt which is being done with the members of the guild I belong to.  I have renewed appreciation for the people who design quilts,  I know there are computer programs to assist them, however, I use the reliable pencil, paper and ruler.  I am pleased with what I have done so far.  It's a secret so can't publish a photo until the reveal which should take place in October, time will tell.

Didn't get to update or publish this yesterday, so will add now.

After the heat of the day, the evening was nice, so we decided to go for a ride in the country with the top down.  As we returning home the sun was setting and the moon was starting to get higher in the sky.   Some photo's of what I saw through my camera lense.


Today is the first day of Spring, but don't get your hopes up for Spring like weather just yet.  We are still in March, anything and  ev...