Monday, January 01, 2024

Happy New Year

Every day since Christmas Eve, I have been out either during the day or the evening, being with family and friends.  The food and late nights finally caught up with me, so last night I stayed in.  There was a shindig upstairs in the lounge but, decided I needed a quite evening for a change.  Quite enjoyed it too.

This morning was cloudy but the sun finally poked through for a short period and has now disappeared again.  It was quite cool when I went for my walk,  3 kms today, will be increasing it after the week, (a resolution - to be more active)    The sun shone on my face walking south but when I returned to my starting point the slight wind was in my face.  As it was coming from the north, it had a bite to it.  Note to myself, wear thicker gloves, as the only part of my body that was cold were my fingers.  When the weather becomes colder and more slippery under foot, I will be going to the walking track at the arena, not the best place to get some exercise but the safest one for me.  Don't want to end up falling at this stage of the game.  

All the calendar's were changed to the 2024 ones, I like to use the ones which have a large space under each day, using it to jot down appointments etc.  I also use that feature on my phone to, however, still like to see the written word for dental appointments etc. which are scheduled for much later in the year. 

No need to prepare dinner tonight, as I am going to use some of the frozen meals I accumulated from my two daughters left overs from Christmas meals.  Just pop one in and nuke it.

A slow day of news, not much activity anywhere, stores and businesses closed for the holiday, and I am sure not many people are out and about do to some excess partying late last night.   

Have a great day

Cheers and health and happiness for 2024.




  1. And a Happy new year to you too, Pat! I haven't been out since last Friday (we had snow overnight ) so must get my trusty trainers on and go for a walk soon! Too much overeating.

  2. A Happy New Year to you, hope 2024 is a good one for you!

  3. A belated Happy and Healthy New Year to you as well.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...