Saturday, January 27, 2024

Technical world has left me behind

The television I purchased several months ago has speakers at the bottom closer to the back of the unit.  So the sound is actually being  directed to the wall not out into the living area.  Because of this I need to up the volume a bit, which distorts the sound somewhat.  Solution, a sound bar which I purchased, and the store clerk said, "It's easy to connect to your TV" and she went on to tell me how.   She also said there were instructions in the box.  Easy!  maybe for someone who is familiar with all of this techy stuff, me not so much.   I feel so left behind with all the things a person needs to know to function in this world with all of the technical contraptions we are bombarded with these days.  I do consider myself somewhat knowledgably but don't have the confidence to go ahead with some of the things, just incase I mess it up and make things worse.   Much as I don't like impose I do have one of my SIL's  coming over today to help me connect it to the TV.  

As the saying goes, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks"

Do you feel left behind in this techy world?  

The pot luck dinner last night was again, delicious.   I have no self control when I comes to different dishes of food, so I tend to over eat at these functions.  To help control this, I took a small luncheon plate, a trick I used to keep the portions of food small for my late husband.  It worked, I did take portions of everything, but did not feel overly full at the end of the meal.  Not a lot of food can be put on a smaller plate.  I will do this again next month.

All of the  small piles of snow we had on the ground yesterday,  have melted and green grass and clear streets is now all that I see.  However, we are forecast snow for tomorrow, in the mean time, I will enjoy the mild temps.  When I went for my walk yesterday, it felt as if Spring was not too far away.  It appears my walk today will be much the same, as the sun is trying very hard to break through the clouds.

As mentioned previously the trip I was hoping to take is looking even more as if it won't happen, so I opened to brochure again, some of destinations I would not feel comfortable going to at the moment, others don't appeal to me.  So waiting until later in the year is what I might do and then look at the brochures being issued then.

Are you planning on a vacation this year, or have already been on one?  Where?

Have a great day



1 comment:

  1. We are thinking of New York State this year, a mini road trip in the Fall.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...