Thursday, January 18, 2024

It's back

After several days of no snow and lovely sunshine, upon waking this morning yes, it is snowing again.  The only consolation, it is warmer, warmer she says, -6*C at 9:30 a.m.   The snow is coming down horizontal today, not vertically as it was when the wind was blowing.  Not sure what it is like underfoot, so no walking outside today, hopefully later this afternoon when the streets have had the crews out sanding and salting, along with the traffic the streets will we clear of snow, then I will drive to the arena for a walk around the track.

In the mean time, I will get into my sewing room and work of the projects I need to get finished during the next couple of weeks.  One of the members of our guild and myself are in charge of the program activity for the February meeting,  so on Monday next week we are getting together to fine tune our plans.  As we have a number of new members, it is difficult to remember names, (believe me, I know from living in this building)  so our plan is have each member make their own name tag.  

Some water testing in being done this morning, so no water for approximately an hour.  It makes you think about how lucky we are to be able to turn on the tap and instantly have water flow out. 

That reminds me of when I first came to Canada, I lived on a farm in the country.  Country in Canada is a lot different than country in England.  The farm had a well.  Water had to be carried for the house and of course, the animals in the barn.  It was not a pleasant chore even at the best of times and winter weather, which I remember as being even worse than winters now, made it almost unbearable.   After several years that farm was sold and a move was made to one with running water in the house and the barn.  That made life so much easier.  There was even a toilet which could be flushed.  

We take the supply of safe clean water for granted these days, however, so many people do not have any water.   

Must get a move on,

Have a great day.



  1. So true! We are very fortunate to live here.

  2. Thank you for sharing those memories. My husband's father grew up on a farm in North Dakota, and some of those stories were very eye-opening. I had friends who had an old farm in England and some of my best memories were of visiting them. We are having snow here also and it's still coming down. Have a wonderful day and stay warm :)

  3. I am a little younger than you and I am terrible at remembering names. I hope your plans are all coming together for February.



The weather promised to be good for the drive, the roads were clear and dry, so off I went for some retail therapy. Recently I saw one cloth...