Saturday, January 13, 2024

It finally arrived


Around 5:00 p.m. yesterday snow arrived and was blown around by high winds, expecting huge accumulations as it continued for several hours.  However, when I went to bed no snow, rain had melted it into a slushy mess.  The forecast also indicated there was a possibility of thunder and lightening but I saw none.

This morning! snow again and gusty winds blowing it around and it is decidedly colder.  This is what we can expect for the weekend.  This woman is going no where, lots to eat and many things to do, so no reason to venture out,  the walking will be made up in the upcoming week. We should consider ourselves lucky as here we are almost the middle of January and really no winter weather to speak of.  

My son was going to come for a visit today, however, the roads are too treacherous for long distance travel, there is always another weekend with no weather to be concerned about. 

I did do an extra long walk yesterday, I would guess it was about four kms. I don't have one of those fancy phones or watches to tell me, I look at the signs on the trail I walk on.  The weather was quite nice in the morning so enjoyed the extra time outside.  

As I sit here writing this, people are out walking their dogs and others are doing their daily run, I am sure the time outside will be long enough to do the necessary and to get those steps in.

What am I doing today, laundry is currently in the drier, a roast of beef was taken out of the freezer and that will be in the oven this afternoon.  I have two quilts which are in the process of being completed and also fabric for one that I should have had done several months ago.  There is also some recorded programs to watch on TV, so no reason to be wondering "what can I do".

Have a wonderful day, keep warm or cool.



  1. My sister in Sarnia sent photos of the snow at her place, then a bit later another photo of bare (wet) ground! We got a good foot at my place just west of Ottawa.

  2. Good to keep busy but then I enjoy putting my feet up with a cup of tea and watching a show after doing a few chores. When the weather is bad I tend to stay in as much as I can. I did go for a walk around a garden the other day and the bitter chill took me by surprise. It was a short walk! We had a few flakes today. It was 36 deg. F. here in my part of Virginia. More snow will arrive the day after tomorrow. I think I will stay put for a while. Wishing you a great week :)

  3. I agree winter is upon us. Can't get into the mail box now. Had to call Canada Post, and they got our lock unstuck. Left a key for a parcel in the parcel box and can't get into that now :0( So another call to Canada Post!! The joys of community mailboxes!!


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...