Tuesday, April 25, 2023


 Busy at doing what! you might ask, well nothing really, just stuff.

Do not have much ambition, getting to be a lazy broad,  am I not.

Have you ever felt as if you are down in a rabbit hole, wandering through tunnel after tunnel, you know there is a light at the end of it, however, it is a long way off.  Twist and turns, some good, others not so much.  

Have started to sort out my sewing room again, did I not do that a short while ago.  That tidy up was for large pieces of fabric, now into the smaller pieces, I wish I could throw some of the, what some would call too small, away, however, fabric is not cheap, the good stuff any way, so cannot justify tossing it.  I have seen many scrap quilts made from small pieces of fabric, so have started to make a dent, small as it may be in that pile.

Finished my notes for the demonstration I am doing later this week, after Thursday I will post a photo of the project I am using for that.

My youngest GD "C" should  now be flying to her college co-op placement for the Summer.  On her way to Iqaluit, NWT.  It is not very warm there, if it ever gets warm, snow is still on the ground, how much I don't know, Winter wear will be the order of the day for awhile yet.   Look forward to seeing some of the photo's I have asked her to send to me.  

Groceries this morning, not sure what is happening at the store, we were there at 9:45 a.m. no maned cash registers were open, you could of course check out yourself, however, will a cart full of stuff being done on those little shelves is not a task I would be looking forward to.  Eventually, the cashier with the worst personality I have ever encountered in a store, checked us out and we were on our way.

Up really early yesterday morning, for me anyway, a relative's funeral in the UK was being live streamed at 11:00 a.m. their time, which meant it was a 6:00 a.m. for us here in Canada.  It was a long Monday, as I did not crawl into bed until midnight.   

Ice hockey is a very popular sport here, and at the present time the initial start to the play-offs have started.  Of course, they are all televised, I don't mind watching one each week for which is usually a team from a city not all that far from us, however, one every night and sometimes two is overload in my opinion.  Not going to buy my own TV, so grin and bear it, either do some hand sewing or might even take up reading instead.

Was sunny and cold, however, clouds appear to have rolled in again, April showers so they say, brings May flowers.  It must be true as the pop up garden center has now be erected in the grocer store parking lot.

Well, looks as if it is time for lunch

Have a great day.




Groundhog Day

Every February 2nd. here in Canada we have groundhog day.   A groundhog is a medium sized rodent about the size of a fat cat, with a short t...