Tuesday, April 11, 2023


 We are forecast a week of almost Summer temps, up into the low 20's every day, only rain in sight is on the weekend.

Daffodils are in bloom and the purple primrose are showing some colour Lilac bushes are sprout green leaves, the weeds are growing and even saw a couple of the white product yesterday.  It always amazes me how this little bugs of all kinds survive out harsh Winters.

Easter weekend was nice, not too busy, but saw some of my family.  The great grands liked the basket of goodies I took over to them, stayed for a couple of hours and watched them hunt for Easter eggs, then came back here and cooked dinner for six.  Got help cleaning up.

We worked in the garden all afternoon, I just can't do the repetitive motion of raking, so I did not do a lot of that work, did what I could.   I go for some therapy tomorrow for an aging issue on my upper spine, which is the cause of the pain, hope this will help, however, doubt it very much, cannot do much with old bones and muscles.  

Groceries this morning, got a great deal on some pea meal bacon (ham),  so bought two. Only $3.63 for each piece, a saving of over $14.00 for the two pieces.  One will feed us for several meals.  Some of the fresh veg looked as if they are coming down in price too.

Did not go for our walk yet today, as we are expecting a delivery and want to be home when it arrives, as it is a very desirable product, and we cannot trust anyone for not taking it.

Lunch time, so better get off of here.

Have a great day.


1 comment:

  1. It's too bad that you can't count on deliveries being safe on your doorstep. A sign of the times, I guess! I think we skipped Spring and went straight to Summer. It's 23C here today!


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...