Thursday, July 28, 2022

A little rain

 We were hoping to have a decent rain, all we got was a sprinkling yesterday, the ground was damp this morning so another shower over night.  Hubby was hoping he would be able to apply the nematodes to the lawn, apparently they require moisture to help move them down into the soil.    With the help of the hose pipe and sprinkler  the back and side lawns were dampened and he did the work on them last night, planning on doing the front lawn this evening.   

We are suppose to get some hot weather again from today through the weekend, suppose to feel like 33*C this afternoon, as I write this at 10:20 a.m. you can actually see the humidity in the air, from the sun drying out the trees and lawns etc.   Looks as if it is an inside day for me, no worries I have things to do that will keep me busy.

Went for a short walk last evening, only a bit over a mile and a quarter, something is better than nothing.   From all of the motions I used yesterday to clean the shower stall, I now have some neck and shoulder discomfort,  not bad but a day of less activity is called for.   Tomorrow I have decided to top and bottom the kitchen, Hubby will take down the window covering and clean the windows, (he doesn't know it yet) then I will take care of the rest.  He will then put the blinds back up. 

My friend who has had a kidney transplant, advised she has Covid, had to go to the hospital for three intravenous antibiotics, home now, however, still ill with diarrhea so bad she has taken up residence in the bathroom.  She is fully vaccinated with four shots.   Please, if you have not, get vaccinated to avoid people such as my friend and others who are in a compromised health situation, from being as ill as she is.  I am hoping she will overcome this period of sickness and be OK.  If you don't want to do it for yourself, do it for others, others maybe some friend or relative of yours.   I do believe if she had not been fully vaccinated, she would not be here today.  

Must decide what to have for dinner tonight, no major cooking is going to be done today, tomorrow will be salmon day, I use the toaster oven for that, so no heating the kitchen, Saturday, BBQ steak curtesy Hubby

Have a great day.


  1. Gonna' be hot here come weekend too. But today is lovely, so far.

    Rest today! For sure!!!!

    💛 💛 💛 💛

  2. We had very heavy rai this afternoon but short lived. Then I cut the grass as I know it will have a growth spurt soon!

  3. Replies
    1. No, lol They are little (for the lack of a better word) thingy's, so small they cannot be seen, they kill the grubs that eat the roots of the grass. They are mixed in water and sprayed on the lawn. The grubs they are killing, grow into beetles, then the cycle of life begins with them laying eggs in the soil.
      Prior to applying, they need to be kept cool or they will die, they have been in the fridge, in a sealed package.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...