Sunday, July 24, 2022

The good and the bad

Yesterday I forgot to mention other things that we are going to be doing in the future.

While we were at the theatre on Friday we noticed Andre Rieu's concert will be shown via satellite on August 27, so we purchased tickets to see him.  If, you have not seen or even listened to some of his concerts, in my opinion, you are certainly missing out of some lovely music.  In the past we have gone to this kind of performance, but during the past couple of years, not been able to.  Looking forward to that, fingers crossed everything will be OK at that time.

We also use to go to a monthly Jazz show in one of the performance venues at our main library downtown.  They were always free of charge and well attended as new artists were always being brought in for the 1 1/2 hour show.   I received an e-mail which indicated a performance would be available to attend in September, so we registered for it.

That was the good, now the bad.

Our garage is attached to our house, we can go through our kitchen door to the garage.  Hubby went out the kitchen door this morning to put some paper in our recycle bin, and noticed the small door in the garage, which leads to outside, looked as if it needed some weather stripping around it as he could see light through a space around the door.  Walking towards it, he noticed the door was ajar, he knew he had closed and locked it last night.  Turning around he then noticed all of the cupboard doors were open.   We had had visitors overnight, nothing appears to have been taken, no idea what the intruders would have been looking for, as there was a lot of small electric tools in the cupboards and they were still there.   Soooooo, glad we lock all of our doors before we retire for the night, I will certainly double check from now on.  Is nothing or no one safe in their own home any more, I begin to

We did have some rain early this morning, not sure if we will get any more or not, the forecast indicated it would be an all day rain.  Wrong, as the sun is now trying to shine.   Humid and warm again by the looks of it.

It appears the deer are finding plenty to eat where ever they are at the moment, as they are leaving my flower beds alone, hope they don't read blogs, or I am now going to have them eating my day lilies, they love those.  

Dinner tonight, Hubby doesn't know it yet, he is BBQing a steak, potato salad, and garden salad will be on the menu.  I made the jelly thingy yesterday, it tastes OK, but looks like green I don't know what you would call it.  Used a lime jelly powder and some whipped cream, it even sound disgusting when I write these words, anyway it fills a hole.   Ha Ha Ha.

Today, is going to be a "me" day, which means I will not be doing much, only the things that make me happy, so will be doing some sewing.  At this time of the year there appears to be so many things to do and I do like being outside, therefore do not get much time for my quilting.  That is a Winter hobby.

Cheers have a great Sunday.


  1. I like the sound of the green jello. I am rather partial to anything lime-flavoured. Hope you enjoyed your time in the sewing room.

  2. What an unnerving discovery. 12 months ago I would have said they were looking for toilet paper!
    Enjoy a well deserved me day. Funny how a lot of my indoor projects are summer ones as it's too hot to do anything outside.
    As Chris said, it it's lime flavoured it will be delicious!

  3. Ugh... breaking in to your garage. Sighhhhh...

    A day for doing just what you want to do. Hooray for you. We all need those now and then.



The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...