Saturday, July 23, 2022

Busy Friday

 Yesterday we were eligible to get our 4th Covid jab, we were required to wait a certain amount of time between all of our shots.  I am sure my readers were required to do that also.   So, we received our shot at the walk in facility, not much waiting really, as the line was moving all the time.   My arm is a bit tender but, other than that so side effects this time.  I had no energy for a couple of days when I had my 3rd.

We then decided to go an see my favorite actor, Tom Hanks, he was Colonel Tom Parker in the movie Elvis.   The movie was OK, would not say you had to go and see it.  I am amazed at the makeup artists in the movie world, if I did not know it was Tom, I would have never guessed it was him.  We then went out for dinner, nothing special but, I did not have to cook it nor clean up afterwards, that's the best part.   

It is still hot and humid here, we were forecast some rain this morning but, it never came, tomorrow is suppose to be wet, time will tell.

Did some errands this morning, laundry and housework, now taking a water break and writing to you in blog land.

I had intended on cooking salmon for dinner last night, so that is on the menu for tonight, just made a jelly for dessert.  

Not much else happening here this weekend, I will be watching the last leg of the Tour de France, tomorrow, I watch mainly for the scenery, the riders will be finishing in Paris tomorrow.  On my bucket list is a desire to rent a car and follow one of the routes the Tour de France cyclists have taken.  I think it would be a lovely trip.  Doubt that will happen at this stage of the game though.  I have been to France, my late husband and I rent a car for a few days, as he wanted to see Vimy Ridge, as that is where his father was injured during WWI.  We were also on an Atlantic cruise, with stops in the port La Harve in France, one of the side trips was a bus tour of Paris, so we did that.  So I suppose I can say, I have seen some lovely French countryside, so I am happy with that. 

Travelling is one thing I have missed doing during the last 2 and something years.  Been to a lot of places, but there is so much to see in this wide world of ours.

Time to think about that salmon, so have a great day.


1 comment:

  1. I wonder if travel will ever be the same after the past couple of years. I certainly have no desire to venture on a crowded plane.
    Tom Hanks is a brilliant actor. Unlike many you truly believe the character he plays and forget it's the gorgeous Tom.


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