Monday, July 25, 2022

White ghost

Every night in my garden there is a white ghost.  It started out only two feet tall, over the past couple of weeks it has become taller and taller.  Last night it was almost five feet tall, not sure how high it will end up.  Thank goodness there is only one.   I will tell you later if you can't guess who or what my ghost is.

The all day rain we were suppose to get last about half an hour, with another shower late evening, does that count as all day.   It did, however, get rid of the humidity in the air, today now feels lovely, if not on the bit too chilly side with the wind blowing as it is.   Gives us a chance breath again before the heat comes back again, which it surely will.

Had my hair cut this morning, so feeling human again, not a shaggy dog anymore.  

Past posts I have noted being a bit down, without going into anymore details, I have thought over the issue and decided that nothing will change, know the saying......"If you can't beat them, join them." that is what I am going to do.   I am sure it will make me feel better, but it will not resolve the issue.  Enough said. on to a more pleasant subject.

So have you thought about my ghost, your three guesses are done, so I will tell you.

We have tomato plants growing in a pot on our patio, they started out small, grown and now have produced tomatoes, still green yet but tomatoes just the same.   The deer in our neighbourhood love tomatoes, so now cover them with a sheet every night to keep the deer away.   The sheet is now fully unfolded so it looks like a white ghost at night with the solar lights shining in the background.

Dinner tonight, no sure what the meat will be, we do have some potato salad to finish so will prepare something that will taste good with that.



  1. That's a great solution for your nightly visitors. I guess the flapping sheet scares them off. Luckily we don't have any nocturnal thieves here although when the sunflowers ripen I expect they will be attacked as they were last year (raccoons I think).

  2. I was thinking some bizarre fungus! I prefer your explanation.
    I hope you feel better soon.x

  3. Your ghost sounds very cute.

    Sorry about the bothersome issue or issues. What is the saying? We can't control what happens. But we can control how we deal with what happens. Or rather, how we let it effect us.

    Best of luck....



The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...