Saturday, July 09, 2022

Canada is back

So where did it go...... I'll tell ya......

When we got us yesterday morning we had no internet, no one had any communication of any kind if you were using a particular carrier, who I will call   "R".   R had problems, BIG problem, that spanned from East to West and North to South.  Cyber attack, NO! but at this point in time no one has indicated what the problem was, I doubt we will every know.

 If a business was using, gas stations, restaurants could only do transactions with cash.  How many people us cash these days, so off to the bank they go.   No interact, no cash.  The emergency number 911 was not available. One pharmacy which was interviewed, indicated Rx's could not be filled.  A big mess.  The businesses that were using another carrier had crowds on people on the sidewalk in front of the store using the stores WiFi service, just so they could make a call or do some business.  A large number of employers are still having employee's working from home,  so they got an extra day off this week.

The outage lasted all day and I have no idea what time everything came back on line, when we got us this morning everything was working fine. 

The morning news paper indicated R would be issuing refunds to those affected,  lots of money being given out, which most likely will be in the form of a credit to accounts.   Now, I wonder how many people will abandon the R ship and more on to one of the other carriers.   There is not much choice as there are only three in the country.   Changes need to be made.

It certainly makes you realize, how much we depend on the internet, it is almost scary to think about, as everything or almost everything came to a screeching halt, and no one could do anything about it. 

We are having some nice weather at the present time sunny and hot, however, we are in desperate need of some rain.  During the month of June we only had 50% of what is the normal for the month.  Here we are 9 days into July and it is not looking much better. 

Dinner tonight, we had some store bought shaved beef, I made a small potato salad and brussels sprouts with chocolate mousse for dessert.

Getting time for me to call it a day.


  1. We are living in a cell "dead zone", so thankfully use a land line. The outage didn't affect us at all.

  2. It is really scary when you realise how much depends on the internet. Too much, I think, but what are the options?



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