Tuesday, July 26, 2022


Grocery day, the store was not busy at all today, have no idea why, we were there at pretty much the same time as we usually are.  Could be vacation time for people.

As we were unpacking and putting away our groceries, we received a phone call, I hardly every answer the phone just let to go to the answering machine but, today I did and was pleasantly surprised to hear the voice of Hubby's sister in law on the other end, asking if we will be home as she would be over shortly.    She   "M" is visiting from B. C., some of her family still live in this area, so she usually makes a trip back for a couple of weeks, visiting with everyone.    We had a lovely visit, and as usual visits like this are way to short, as she had to make good use of the time remaining to make sure she checked in with everyone on her list.

Sunny with cloudy periods, quite a bit cooler but that is just fine,  I feel like doing more when the air is clear of the humidity.   So, I took two walks yesterday for a total of 2 miles.   Not bad for an upcoming 81 year old who has not done any walking for a month or so.   Trying to lose some of those extra pounds is not working too well, so anything more I can do, I will.   The scales will tell the truth when I jump,  well not really a jump, a better word is step on  it.

Our usual Tuesday night dinner, chicken, salad, with another veg, dessert not sure yet.


  1. What a lovely surprise.
    I cannot function in the humidity.
    I gingerly sneak on the scales and never like what they say. Maybe I shall try jumping and shock them into lying!

    1. Sounds like a good idea to me. I make sure I have even my watch off, been to the loo, in the buff and exhale, but the scales still lie.

  2. Oh humidity just wipes me out. It has gotten worse with age. I would have a hard time living where it is humid most of the time.



The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...