Sunday, August 14, 2022

Back amongst the living

I have been AWOL for awhile as I had nothing but moaning and groaning to write about and no one wants to read all of that, so had a rest from blogging, however, now back.

It has cooled down somewhat, in fact, we have had a couple of really cool evenings and overnight temps.   Makes me feel like doing more work outside.   Our flowers beds and hedges have been neglected during the past few weeks so the weeds have had a hay day growing thicker and taller every day.   So, yesterday we both tackled those pesky weeds and everything is looking as if someone lives on this property again.  Its amazing how neat and tidy it all looks now.   Today, we need to take all of the garden waste bags to the recycle depot this afternoon when it opens.  The only job left now is to spread woods chips on the big flower bed.

On Thursday, we had visitors,  a granddaughter and my five great grands came for the afternoon.   They live in a small house with very little back garden, so here they could run, roll down the little hill next door and burn off a lot of energy.  She always brings a picnic type lunch for them and of course, I had ice cream.  They were here for three hours of fun and it was so nice to see them after not having them visit for a year.   They hope to be able to visit again before they go back to school in September.

On Friday, my quilting guild had a sewing day.  We had a lot of fabric donated to our group so a day was arranged to use some of this fabric, and we made quilt tops for a charity, in due course they will be sandwiched and quilted.  Some will go to recent Ukrainian immigrants, and others likely to the chemo unit at the hospital.  A nice day to do what you lie doing with people of like minds.  The social aspect of a day like this is what I missed during the passed couple of years.

My dear friend who had a kidney transplant a few years ago, is now in hospital with Covid and not doing very well at the moment.   Hoping she is going to be OK.

Today, would have been my Mum's 105th birthday, in the past we would always have a birthday/family reunion on or close to this day.   And what sometimes happens the get togethers of her families is no more.   Shame really, but it is what it is.

We did go for a ride in the convertible after dinner last night, mind you we did need a sweater on before we returned on the homeward trip.   We saw a hot air balloon, have not seen one for a few years, so we followed it, until we lost sight of it as it was landing,   I would think the insurance for the rides would be expensive for the operators these days.   Quite a few years ago, my children and late husband gave me a ride for my birthday.  Thoroughly enjoyed  it, so peaceful up there.  

Well that's all for me today, must get these achy muscles moving.

Have a great Sunday.


  1. What a *gorgeous* picture of your great-grands, Pat! Oh how beautiful they are!!! What a treasure! Yes, I know exactly what you mean about the family reunions & things stopping after a matriarch or patriarch passes away....and it is a total shame. When my maternal grandmother died, that was it.... no more getting together with my aunts, uncles, and cousins. One of my brothers tried to revive the tradition of the family reunion during the summer... and he succeeded for a few years...but after that, with poor attendance, he just gave up. He had a big house with a built-in swimming pool so there was plenty to do...and plenty of food...but still, that wasn't enough to entice people to come (most of which live nearby). Sad. Anyway, I'm looking to see if you have an email address on your blog here, so I can send you the cross-stitch magazine, but I'm not seeing any. Why don't you send me a message at: and when you see me reply, you can then give me your mailing address. I'd love to get this magazine off to you tomorrow, before I leave on Tuesday to stay at my oldest daughter's house to pet-sit while they go on vacation. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  2. I am glad you're back. Hope the grumpies stay away.
    How wonderful to see the great grands. What a lovely family.
    When my parents died my brothers and I sort of kept things going at Christmas for a while but as our families expand it got too hard. Now we try to catch up when we can.

  3. What lovely memories you will have of the great-grands! Treasure them as they will grow up so fast.



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