Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Out and about

 We took some time during the past couple of days to go for a daytime drive.   On Sunday, we drove  to a lakeside town, it is a lovely little place, with lots of "artsy and crafty" shops.   However, the street was all under construction, (it's construction season here in Ontario), so we opted not to venture there, a lot of traffic and people milling about.  So we went to the pier, walked the length and found a bench, not very comfy but it was nice to sit and watch the sail boats coming and going and young people swimming.   

We stopped for dinner on the way home.   Nice day out.

On Monday it was such a lovely day we took the old convertible and visited Hubby's cousin, had a lovely visit with her and  husband, ate some of her chocolate goodies and had a coffee.  It was getting late when we started for home so stopped and ate dinner out again.   Later in the evening, my son phoned me for a chat,  I was in shock,  I hadn't spoken to him since the beginning of May.  I suspect DD1 had something to do with the call, as I had expressed my disappointment regarding no communication.  I enjoyed the conversation and hope it is not as long  before I hear from him again.

Today, Tuesday was grocery day and was quite surprised to see some of the prices had come down a little, not much, mind you but down.   We were going to visit Hubby's sister, however, the weather did not look too promising for a convertible ride, so decided we would go another day.  It is a good thing as we had a mild storm come through, not much thunder and lightening, but lots of rain.  Will not need to water the garden and pots tonight.

Finally, our tomatoes are starting to ripen, the squirrels have discovered them and now eating them.  If it's not the deer it's the squirrels or chipmunks.  They need to eat too,

Going to finish this and get into the sewing room for a little while.


  1. Enjoy the last of summer as I guess it will start to cool down soon. How lovely to hear from your son. I wonder if they ever realise how precious these calls are to us.

  2. It must be nice to see prices come down, I wish they would do that here! Ours are still on the rise.



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