Friday, August 26, 2022

Late Post today

 Yesterday, I visited my sister "B" her arm is so much better now, but she still needs to do some exercies.

We wanted to take the convertible, but as soon as we got it out of the garage, grey clouds let loose with drops of rain, we hummed and hahhed  about going.  So I looked at trusty computer weather site and there was only a small patch of green over our city, green mean light rain, which nine times out of ten evaporate before it hits the ground.   We decided we were not made of sugar and would not melt, so off we set,  a lovely sunny day and hot all the way to B's house.   

Had a call from DD1 and she invited us to a family BBQ,  recently I was simmering about my family not calling or visiting, some for months and some for almost a year.  I boiled over  the other day and it looks as if I got some results.  Feeling so much better.

My son texted me today, he had the opportunity to get tickets for a golf tournament in the UK next year and asked us if we would like to be travelling companions.    Hope it happens, its a long way off, so fingers crossed.

Not much else happened today, did a couple of errands and sewed in the afternoon.  The dreaded quilt top is almost finished.   All most contemplated suicide with pins and my seam ripper, as it was so frustrating.  Everything about this top is out of my comfort zone, so struggled with it from the get go.

My friend, who was in hospital for 5 weeks with Covid messaged me today, she is home, but still very weak so it will take baby steps to get back on her feet.  She is very lucky to still be here, she said, as she felt she was not going to survive.  Apparently a kidney is still working, definitely a plus for her. 

Dinner today was salmon, rice, broccoli and a small salad.  Dessert vanilla mousse.

Just looked at this post  ...Not 51 weeks........only 5 weeks.  still a long time.


  1. Sometimes we need to drop our bundle to get family to remember we're still here. I do hope you get to the UK for the tournament. What a great trip it would be.
    I am even more curious to see that quilt!

  2. Hope you will post a photo of the finished quilt top, Pat. And also hope your friend continues to recover. It will be a long haul for her to get back to her former self. Good news about your sister! Enjoy your visit to the family.



Today is the first day of Spring, but don't get your hopes up for Spring like weather just yet.  We are still in March, anything and  ev...