Saturday, August 27, 2022


It must be almost September as we had a heavy dew this morning, so Hubby needed to wait until the sun burned it off before he cut the grass.  It was a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky so it really didn't take too long.

Laundry taken care of this morning, so we are all spic and span for another week.  Washed the kitchen floor and did a good clean on all the appliances, kitchen also nice and clean.

We had an early lunch and went to the cinema to see a live streamed show from Maastricht where Andre Rieu puts on his show with his Levi Strauss Orchestra in the square which looks as if it is in the center of the city.   The show was three hours long with a 15 minute intermission.  Loved every minute of it.  Of course, no shows were conducted during the past two years, so he did a better than ever show.  If you ever get a chance to see his performances you must do so.  Today, his orchestra, singers, guest tenors, sopranos along with a 150 man choir and marching band certainly provided a moving and emotional show.  

Pizza and salad for dinner along with the remaining two vanilla mousse was on the table tonight.

Had a lovely day.


1 comment:

  1. The live stream sounds wonderful. I haven't heard of it before.



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