Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Rain all gone.....for now.

 After another soggy day yesterday, we have some lovely sunshine and white fluffy clouds floating across the sky, much of the same for the next couple of days, so hope to be able to get out in the garden and do some work there.  All of the flowers are looking revived from the drink of rain they have had, and so have the dandelions.  Going to keep Hubby busy getting ride of the second crop.

Weekly groceries got this morning, last week I mentioned some of the prices were down, a different story this morning as big increases for the fresh veg.   I am afraid it will continue to go up due to several things, some of which is the end of season coming up now for local stuff and new crops just starting in the southern hemisphere.

Going to do a few errands this afternoon, such as, pay my Visa, take library books back and just wander around for a hour or so.   Nothing in particular needed to buy today, however, I do like looking at things.

How about you, do you window shop  thinking you might see something that  you might like or go into a store for a particular purpose?

Dinner today will be chicken, no asparagus in the store, so will have another veg. not sure what yet, however, we do have corn on the cob, so that should be eaten today.    Dessert, not sure about that either but, there will surely be something.

Have a great day. 


  1. I usually only purpose shop (I hate shopping, or at least spending money) but I occasionally have a wander around Value Village to see if there are any "deals". Do you have V.V in your part of the world?
    I am pigging out on local corn this week and also watermelon, two of my summer favourites!

    1. We have V.V., Goodwill,, a other charity shops, I go in them once in awhile, they seem to be increasing their prices a lot, so I shop when things are on sale at the Mall, almost the same $$'s.
      We have had several dinners that included corn on the cob, watermelon, no.. no..not for me, do not like it at all.

  2. I am not a sole wanderer but if I am out with a friend we will wander through the shops looking for bargains. I was going to plant asparagus but when I found out it can take 3 years before harvest I changed my mind!



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