Thursday, August 18, 2022

Caught in the rain

Yesterday, Hubby worked at his daughters in the morning and after lunch he wanted to go and visit his sister.
She has been ill with Lyme disease for many years, it was first diagnosed as MS., so the medication required for Lyme was administered much too late to do any good.  So she still suffers all of the effects of the disease with very little hope of improving, in fact, as she gets older she seems to be suffering even more than she did. 

Of course, the sun was shining , not too hot and there were a few white fluffy clouds so we took the convertible, it was a lovely ride.  After several hours of visiting with A. it was time to return home, the sky was full of a clouds in the distance and the weather forecast was for thunder storms with hail and high winds.  Time to go.

We were about 25 miles from home and the big drops of rain started to fall, so a quick exit from off the road to put the top up.   Thankfully, we did it just in time as the heavens let loose a short time later with heavy rains which made it difficult to see the road.    By the time we got home the storm had passed and the sun was shining.   

Hubby has a Dr. appointment this afternoon and has just complied a list of questions to ask regarding the results of tests.  Hoping all the results are good.

Garden is looking nice right now due to the rains, lawns nice and green, and will need to be cut on the weekend.   

I want to get into my sewing room for an hour or so this afternoon, need to finish a quilt I started at the guilds sewing day last week.  Need to get it done by our September meeting, but also need to get the two blocks done for the regular chemo quilts we do.  Also need to bind another quilt by the end of Sept.  Now the weather is not as humid I can sit outside and do the hand sewing without getting too hot.  Lots of "needs" there, but I seem to work better under some pressure and a looming deadline.

One of our guild members is involved in a quilt show in October, so want to get a couple of wall hangings done so that I can show them then.   So a busy time for me to be in the sewing room.   That is OK, as during these hot humid days I have been doing a lot of  deep house cleaning, so now just need to do a daily skim over to keep it clean.   This gives me more time to sew.

Must gt moving, so done much so far today, not much to do really just been fluffing around.


  1. I don't think we get Lyme disease in Australia but I believe it is very unpleasant.
    Sewing (or any craft) is always good for the soul. I hope we get to see your results.

    1. Yes, I plan on showing the quilt top when it is done.

  2. That's quite the horror story of hubby's sister. Sounds like a case of medical incompetence.



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