Sunday, August 28, 2022

What to do today

 Sunday again, a day of rest,  seems as if all my days are Sundays these days.   

I have made a resolution... starting September 1st. I am going to walk every day, now matter what the weather, if may not be for long some days but it will be a walk.  I have been very lazy about doing this for the past little while.   There are several walking/biking paths around the area, so some days will need to take a short drive to access them, as I can't do it from home.   Doing different walks will not make it so boring.   I will take a small back pack containing my phone, in case of emergencies,  tissues  for my nose, especially when it is cool, a couple of ASA 81 mg. just in case, (don't forget I am in my 81st year, it could happen),  and when paths are not the best under foot, my hiking poles.   My Fitbit quite working several years ago, I found using it gave me an incentive to make sure I got the allotted steps in.  So plan on getting another before the 1st.  Wish me luck, I intend to post my steps on here so that I have something to look back on at the end of the months.


1 comment:

COLD --------- and------- NEWSPAPER

Today is bitterly cold due to the Polar Vortex in this area, and it is suppose to be the same until Wednesday when it is suppose to warm up ...